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Aaliyah slammed the door of her car shut, letting out a sigh when she looked up at the beautiful house she was designing the interior of. She had gotten a call unexpectedly from Sebastian at 8AM asking to meet up because he had an idea. Which was something that came as a shock to Aaliyah because she had already composed the sketches and was ready to discuss the quotations for the materials and labour.

She sighed as the uneasy feeling in her stomach came back. A single knock at the door before it swung open, Sebastian now dressed in a towel dripping water. Aaliyah diverted her eyes down to her feet, nervously bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Oh snap, i lost track of time" He apologised to Aaliyah
"I can see that" Aaliyah mumbled
"Do you mind waiting here, help yourself to anything i'll be down in a minute" he smiled at her before running up the stairs

Aaliyah looked around the living space, there were minimal pictures of personal meaning which meant he either had no family or had no interest in showing them off. He had a lot of expensive paintings hung which meant that he had to be a man of high earnings, the fireplace was lit which was a bit weird considering the heat Miami brought even in December. Aaliyah's attention snapped back to Sebastian when she heard his foot steps

"Right so what was the idea?" Aaliyah asked
"This, i drew it last night thought it would be a nice office space" He said laying out the neatly done sketch
"Wow Sebastian this is beautiful" Aaliyah admired tracing her hands delicately over the pencil
"I took a course in design for a year" Sebastian laughed "Let's hit the hardware shall we?"
"But we havn't discussed quotations" Aaliyah said watching him take his coat
"Don't worry, everything is on me love" He winked

With that Sebastian grabbed his keys and wallet and lead Aaliyah over to the garage. He opened it to reveal a luxury sports car in matt black. He opened her door and watched her carefully sit down before gently closing it and running up to his side. He punched in the location of the warehouse before speeding down the road

"The bed broke it wasn't my fault" Erick protested as him Ray, Aleesha and Richard walked through the builders warehouse
"You broke it by being the wrong little bunny you are" Ray protested
"You're the one who wanted to catch up to Richard and Aleesha" Erick said in defence
"Their bed is still in tact thought" Ray gritted
"Fine i'm sorry" Erick said kissing her cheek
"I told you you can't play with the big boys" Richard laughed putting the can of paint in the cart
"shut up" Ray mumbled

Aleesha was about to comment when her eyes landed on Aaliyah. She was sat on the broad shoulders of a man trying to reach up for a picture frame on the top shelf although if the man jumped he could get it. She nudged Ray would immediately loooked in the direction Aleesha was

"Let's go Sherlock" Aleesha said to Ray

The two made their way up to them, hearing Aaliyah giggle about not being able to reach before they gave up and he brought her down to her feet effortlessly where the girls stood waiting.

"Wow, fancy meeting you here" Ray smiled at Aaliyah
"Right"Aaliyah said "what are you doing here?"
"Told you this morning Erick broke the bed so now we have to fix it" Ray said
"Why don't you just get a handy man?" Sebastian asked
"Because then i'll have to explain to my mother that i broke the bed having sex" Ray said looking over at him
"Oh? blunt, beautiful and bold" Sebastian smirked "Sebastian"
"Ray" Ray said offering her hand "Aaliyah's friend"
"Aleesha, Aaliyah's friend" Aleesha waved
"So you didn't tell me you had beautiful friends too" Sebastian said
"And they're married" Richard said wrapping his arms around Aleesha
"Mmh, isn't that right mamita" Erick added
"Uh guys this is Sebastian, my client. Sebastian this is Richard and Erick" Aaliyah awkwardly introduced
"Ray and Aleesha's husbands" Richard said once more "in case that didn't quite sink in"
"Rich" Aleesha said warningly
"The one who broke her bed, fucking her in every-
"Okay we got it papi" Ray interrupted
"Got that fellas" Sebastian said backing off
"Anyways Li, i'll see you when you get home" Ray said hugging Aaliyah

They said their goodbyes and were off. Ray giving Aaliyah a warning look before leaving to look for a bed base with Erick. When Richard, Aleesha, Erick and Ray arrived back at the house still chatting about how overtly protective the boys had been towards Sebastian

"You were definitely intimidated by him" Aleesha laughed
"These are our wives" Ray imitated
"I broke her back, the bed and i'll break your neck" Aleesha said in a deep voice
"That's not how i sound" Richard whined
"You sound like a bitch now" Ray laughed
"Princesa" Ray's mother interrupted

She stood up and 2 bodies followed suit making Ray's smile drop from her face.

"let go of my daughter" Ray said coldly
"Rayissa" Ray's sister smiled putting sienna down
"I go by Ray now, which you would know if you bothered to call or visit or check up" Ray said simply
"I know, i know i've been a bad sister-
"Doesn't even begin to cover the term" Ray spat
"Oh i know my name did not just come out of your filthy mouth" Ray said diverting her attention to her brother in law
"I see you got married" Reina tried
"Now would you like a prize for that?" Ray asked
"Mamita, don't you think that's enough?" Erick tried
"I'll tell you when it's enough" Ray said moving out of his embrace "When you take your shit and get the fuck out of here"

With that Ray spun on her heel and went upstairs, Sienna following her with her.
"Wait Ray has a sister?" Richard asked
"Bruh i'm just as shocked" Aleesha said
"Maybe if you try tomorrow-
"Ma i told you, Ray is hard headed. She's not going to listen to me or my apology" Reina sighed
"How about we go to an air B&B and we'll come back tomorrow" Riena's husband said rubbing her back
"I think it's for the best" Reina sighed "I'll see you tomorrow mama"

Aaliyah entered the house, tossing her keys on the counter and shrugging off her jacket. It was just after 8PM so the twins would be out like little lights but Zabdiel was still struggling to put Mia down. Aaliyah walked up to him and took her out of his grasp, going downstairs with him trailing behind

"I tried warm milk" He said seeing her warm up milk
"Maybe it needs a mother's touch" Aaliyah said with a smile
"Or she needs her mother home" Zabdiel shot
"Okay that's not fair" Aaliyah said turning to Zabdiel
"It is very much fair" Zabdiel said leaning against the counter "You've been coming back home well after the twin's bedtime"
"Okay and? it's all because of my job" Aaliyah said simply
"Which you don't really need because i told you i'd take care of you" Zabdiel said back
"Ray gets to work, Aleesha gets to work god even Kendall gets to work but when i wanna work it's not fair? not fair on who exactly Zabdiel? cause if i remember correctly you're the one whose going to be travelling the world while i sit here struggling with year old toddlers?" Aaliyah said.

She slammed the bottle on the counter and handed Zabdiel Mia, mumbling something about her going to take a bath before leaving him alone with his giggling 11 month daughter.


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