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Zabdiel traced shapes on Aaliyah's naked shoulder as the sun slowly crept into their rooms through the curtain. He sighed and looked around the quiet room. The boys had been working so hard and putting so much work into their EP that was coming out that none of them had had time to spend at home relaxing and he felt bad for having Aaliyah take care of the twins all by herself.

"You're up before 9am, what's wrong?" Aaliyah asked looking at Zabdiel
"Nothing, just enjoying the silence before the kids wake up" Zabdiel hummed
"Our kids or the house the adult kids we didn't know we adopted?" Aaliyah asked with a slight giggle
"Both" Zabdiel smiled "I know i havn't been around a lot-
"It's not your fault mi amor i understand" Aaliyah cut him off
"Let me finish" Zabdiel mused "I wanna take you out to have a picnic just me and you"
"Oh so leave me kids with Erick and Joel again?" Aaliayh asked
"Christopher is here now-
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Aaliyah asked "because it's not"
"Ray, Richard, Aleesha?" Zabdiel listed
"I caught Ray trying to see how many slices of cucumber she could fit into her mouth at once. Aleesha tried to take a piece of toast out with a fork. I'm not leaving my twins in the incapable hands of these loonies" Aaliyah said turning her back on Zabdiel
"C'mon mi amor, think about it. A relaxing day just the 2 of us, under the Miami sun" Zabidel said kissing her shoulder
"Stop" she said shrugging him off
"Please nena" Zabdiel pouted
"If i agree what do i get out of it?" Aaliyah asked
"A beautiful day out with your amazing boyfriend" Zabdiel grinned "and a relaxing bath when we come back"
"I'm sold" Aaliyah smiled
"It's nearly time for the twins to wake up" Zabdiel said "we could get a morning work out in.... if you get what i mean"
"First of all, disgusting." Aaliyah said "second off, we divide and conquer. Theo always wakes up first so i'll bath him and while i dress him you'll take Mia and then we get on with feeding and all because you know they won't eat without seeing each other"
"Weird kids" Zabdiel squinted
"Hey, don't tell me i just work here" Aaliyah said

Ray skipped around the kitchen, spoon dangling form her mouth as she grabbed the yogurt from the fridge, going to dig in but stopping when the doorbell went off. She put everything down and went to answer it, the hem of Erick's shirt swinging at her thighs.

"Morning, delivery for Mr Erick Brian Colón" the guy said handing her a clipboard. Ray signed off and thanked the man before looking at the huge box behind him.

She braved herself and bent to pick it up only to feel someone standing behind her press into her. She shot up to see Erick grinning at her.
"Can you keep your pants on for 5 seconds" She giggled
"Well you see when you're practically bent over like that now" Erick trailed off
"Shut up and help me with this" Ray said swatting his chest.

Erick pushed the rather heavy box into the living room, wracking his brain for different things he had bought over the internet that hadn't come yet. Ray came with a box cutter to help unbox it. When the items fell out they both almost burst out laughing

"Erick what the hell is this?" Ray asked
"I- i swear i didn't order that" Erick stuttered out
"Are you sure? because it's got your name on it" Ray said
"Mamita don't you think if i wanted to order something like this i would have asked you first?" Erick questioned
"Oh my god that isn't what i think it is is it?" Aleesha asked looking at the structure dumb foundedly
"Oh so yall freaky nasty i see" Jamie yelled coming down the stairs
"This isn't ours i swear" Erick said
"Then whose is it papi?" Ray asked
"Oh hey there it is!" Joel said coming in "Kenny the sex swing is here"
"I beg your fucking pardon?" Zabdiel asked coming down the stairs
"Language" Aaliyah scolded
"I- i don't wanna know" Ray gagged
"Can we borrow it some time?" Richard asked earning a look from Aleesha "kidding"
"you better be" Aleesha mumbled

"Okay well now that that is over, i have a yogurt carton to go destroy" Ray said getting up
"Like i destroyed-
"Finish that sentence and i will end you" Ray threatened Erick
"Right so, i'm not leaving my babies with them" Aaliyah said turning around
"What, wait c'mon now nena" Zabdiel whined
"Joel just ordered a sex swing and you want me to trust him with my children!?" Aaliyah questioned
"I trust them as far as i can throw them but" Richard came up to Aaliyah and took Theo from her "you have a very capable father in the midst of them"
"Didn't you-
"Shut up Christopher, smart people are talking" Richard interrupted
"So go have your breakfast or whatever and let us take care of your kids" Aleesha said taking Mia "I promise i won't let anything happen to my god kiss"
"I will sue all of you if anything happens you do know that right" Aaliyah informed
"Yes, now go!" Aleesha yelled

Zabdiel grabbed the picnic basket and blanket and escorted Aaliyah to the car where he got in and drove them off to the same secluded place he had stolen her to when they had gone out for lunch nearly 2 years ago. He laid the blanket out and sat on it, Aaliyah seating her head on his lap as they lay there

"You think things would have panned out differently for us if we hadn't had the twins?" Aaliyah asked out of the blue
"Maybe" Zabdiel shrugged "i mean we might have been married now"
"Yeah, my dad isn't too happy about the 'children out of wedlock' thing" Aaliyah laughed "told me before i left that when he sees you next time it's on sight"
"Then the next time he'll see me is at our wedding" Zabdiel grinned
"What about the twins first birthday?" Aaliyah asked
"You don't think we'll be married then?" Zabdiel asked a bit of hurt laced in his voice
"I mean, Ray and Erick have still yet to get married and i don't wanna take her spotlight you know" Aaliyah shrugged
"Yeah well she didn't exactly let you have your moment when she got pregnant now did she?" Zabdiel said
"Now c'mon Zabdiel she didn't plan that" Aaliyah said facing him "we're going to get married someday, just not now"
"Can we at least get married before the twins learn to speak?" Zabdiel pouted
"Deal" Aaliyah giggled

Ray rushed around the house trying her best to get Mia to settle down.

"I fed her, burped her, i don't know what to do anymore" Ray sighed with the wailing baby in her arms
"Call Aaliyah maybe she wants to hear her moms voice" Christopher panicked
"Voice!" Ray snapped "Sing!"
"What?" Erick asked
"Sing to her" Ray elaborated "I've walked past the nursery at 2am to find Zabdiel singing to her, so sing maybe she'll calm down"
"What are you doing up at 2am?!" Erick asked
"Shut up and sing" Ray snapped at him

Erick began singing softly, watching as Mia stopped crying to listen to the voice. Her face contorted in confusion but she nonetheless kept her mouth shut. Ray wiped her tears away, swaying slowly as Erick sang. Slowly Mia's big brown eyes fluttered close as she made herself comfortable in Ray's arms before yawning and sticking her thumb into her mouth and sleeping

"You did it" Ray whispered smiling

hi, i want a baby 😔

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