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Ray smeared the last of the avocado onto her toast before collecting the pip and throwing it in the bin. She went over to the refrigerator and bent down to get some grape juice

"who is that with their ass cheeks hanging out" Joel whistled walking into the kitchen
"Boy if you don't" Ray said grabbing the carton and getting a glass
"sis is that avo?" Joel asked eying the piece of toast
"Maybe" Ray shrugged
"Ray it was the last one!" Joel whined "i need it for my mask!"
"well i need it to eat" Ray said mocking his whine
"Give it here!" Joel said lunging at the food

Before he could grab it, Ray swiped it off the plate and stuffed it down her mouth making Joel look at her in disgust as she chewed

"Did you just-
"College teaches you things" Ray said once she swallowed
"Bet Erick must love that" Joel smirked raising his eyebrows

Ray punched him in the arm just as a small girl came down the stairs holding her shoes in her hands.
"Ray?" she asked
"oh my god, Kat?" Ray said embracing the girl "what are you doing here?"
"Hi, i'm Joel" Joel said extending a hand for her to shake
"Kat" Kat said shortly "Wow rememeber when they used to mix our names up and think we were siblings?"
"oh my word i remember just because we had the same surname!" Ray recalled "and we weren't even the same age!"
"Nor in the same grade! or even ethnicity!" Kat said with a small laugh
"they used to be like it's fine you come from the same meat grinder anyways" Ray mocked "bitch i'm Puerto Rican and she's Dominican!"
"Technically they are the Caribbean islands so-
"You wanna shut your mouth Joel?" Ray asked giving him the side eye "anyways what brings you to my humble abode?"
"woah you live here?" Kat asked making Ray nod "well-
"Nena!" Chris yelled from the top of the stairs

Ray watched as a shirtless Christopher jumped down the stairs with a jacket in hand. He handed it to Kat with a smile.

"You left in such a rush you forgot this" Chris mumbled
"well what if i left it as an excuse to come back" Kat smirked slightly
"Then i guess i'll keep it" Chris said leaning down to kiss her

Ray and Joel averted their eyes immediately looking anywhere but at them

"Mmmh Chris i've got lectures and i need to go shower" Kat said pulling from Chris' arms.
"before you leave, dinner, tomorrow night?" Christopher asked. Kat nodded before greeting Joel and Ray and leaving

The minute the door closed Ray punched Christopher's arm.
"Honestly one day someone's going to lose an arm because of you" Joel said watching Chris rub his arm
"Really? Kat Rodriguez?" Ray said harshly "how long?"
"about a month" Chris answered
"Do you know how old she is!" Ray yelled
"age is just a number" Chris shrugged
"Y'know whats also a number?" Ray asked "911"
"Why is the yelling for?" Aaliyah asked entering the kitchen
"Christopher's dating a minor" Ray outed
"Age is just a number Ray!" Christopher countered
"And jail is just a place" Aaliyah added
"You know what-
"what's all the yelling for?" Zabdiel said coming into the kitchen
"Chris is dating a minor!" Ray and Aaliyah said at the same time
"oh boy, they found out" Zabdiel said tapping Christopher's shoulder
"You are all unbelievable" Ray said rolling her eyes and leaving the room

Aleesha and Richard soon joined the group to have breakfast
"so Erick's birthdays in a couple days, what are we doing?" Christopher asked the table
"Isn't that his girlfriends job?" Zabdiel asked
"arn't you his best friend?" Aleesha shot back
"touché" Zabdiel said narrowing his eyes at Aleesha
"He's not old enough to go clubbing so" Richard shrugged "disney plus and chill?"
"How about we ask Ray what she has planned before you guys plan anything" Aaliyah explained
"How about a quadruple date?" Aleesha asked "i wanna do something"
"You go some do something money?" Joel asked

Just as Aleesha flipped Joel the bird Ray and Erick walked into the kitchen.

"What's up lovebirds and Joel" Ray greeted happily
"Just 2 minutes ago you were yelling at me for Kat" Christopher said eying Ray "what did you do Erick?"
"Nothing, she's been smiling" Erick shrugged
"Can i not just be happy?" Ray asked
"Normally if you're happy you're about to commit murder" Aaliyah said looking at her friend
"Well i'm late, so i'll see you guys later" Ray said pecking Erick on the cheek and leaving
"i'll set up for a lazy day" Aleesha said getting up

Everyone got snacks and made their way to the living room where Aleesha had brought down blankets and pillows. She sat with a stack of disney movies ready to watch

"Okay so what's first?" Aleesha asked
"Lion King" Christopher said
"Mulan" Aaliyah suggested
"Jungle book!" Richard yelled
"What? all of you all are wack! Frozen for the win!" Joel said
"excuse me? i'll let it go your ass if you don't take that back!" Aleesha said
"You're just pressed that you can't make an ice castle" Joel joked
"eat my ass" Aleesha said flipping Joel off

After 20 minutes of debating the group unanimously decided on a movie. Aleesha got comfortable on the floor while Richard laid on her ass. Aaliyah and Zabdiel cuddled on the couch, Christopher sat with his legs sprawled out while Erick sat on a bean bag and Joel sat in the one seat couch.

The group didn't notice that it was past midnight until Ray walked into the house with a Victoria Secret bag

"There are 7 hobos in the living room" Ray gasped sarcastically
"It's nearly 2AM, where have you been?" Aaliyah asked after checking the time
"And who gave you that?" Erick said pointing to the VS bag in her hand
"what is this 21 questions?" Ray asked
"Yes, now answer the damn questions" Erick said
"I was out with Jefnier" Ray said simply
"and he got you lingerie?" Aaliyah asked in disgust
"No, i got this for myself " Ray sassed "can i not get myself something nice?"
"Not unless you're planning to get laid" Richard laughed
"you better keep that same energy when i beat your ass Richard" Ray said pointing at him
"Okay it's nearly devils hour, i wanna be asleep when the demons come to play" Christopher said getting up

They all called it a night and went off to bed

🤡woah that was boring

next chapter is going to be literally only Rayrick so.... just warning yall

🎈drop ideas


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