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Aaliyah sat at the breakfast table with her phone in hand scrolling mindlessly through instagram. She liked the reposts of hers and Zabdiel's picture, commenting on a couple. The sound of footsteps and giggles down the stairs caught her attention.

She watched as Joel kissed the girl who he brought home last night on the forehead before patting her ass and promising to call her when he got the chance and closing the door. He leaned against it and let out a breath

"You're never going to call her back are you?" Aaliayh asked startling Joel
"Jesus Aaliyah, nearly sent me to my early grave" Joel said moving to sit across her "i am going to call her back"
"when?" Aaliyah pressed
"some time this week" Joel said after a thought
"c'mon man Pimentel, i thought you were the responsible one here" Aaliyah groaned
"She was there for a good time not a long time" Joel mumbled biting his lip
"get out my face with your fuck boy tendencies" Aaliyah said "before i baptise you with my coffee"

Joel got up and left Aaliyah, passing Zabdiel walking in rubbing the sleep out of his eyes

"i woke up and you weren't there" Zabdiel frowned
"m'sorry amor, i just needed some coffee and to stretch my legs, been in beds for too long" Aaliyah explained as Zabdiel sat down next to her "i'm guessing last night was good?"
"i guess, i mean the guys seemed to be having fun so-
"for you Zabdi" Aaliyah said "was it fun for you"
"how honest do you want me to be with you?" Zabdiel asked
"brutally" Aaliyah said sharply
"I didn't wanna be there, i mean it's all good and all that Joel got pussy finally and Chris got hammered but i wanted to be home or at least with you" Zabdiel admitted
"you big marshmallow" Aaliyah smiled "okay how about you go upstairs and get ready. i'll make up for last night"
"what are we doing?" Zabdiel asked skeptically
"just dress casually" Aaliyah said pushing him up the stairs

Once Aaliyah made sure Zabdiel was getting ready she skipped towards Richard and Aaliyah's room. Knocking a couple times before walking in. She saw Aleesha still asleep and a Richard sitting on his phone

"Bad time?" she asked quietly
"Kinda" Richard sighed
"Well, i'm taking Zabdiel out cause he didn't enjoy last night if you wanna join us?" Aaliyah said
"Aleesha's probably going to have the hangover of the century so, we'll sit this one out" Richard said "and tell Zabdiel i'm sorry his birthday night wasn't amazing"
"oh it wasn't your fault, don't sweat it" Aaliyah answered before leaving the couple

Not shortly after she left Aleesha shot up out of bed and ran for the connected bathroom, hurling the contents of her stomach in the toilet bowl. She flushed and brushed her teeth, carefully walking back into the room where Richard sat awaiting her

"I know you're going to yell at me for getting so drunk- but please save it" Aleesha said holding her head
"take a seat, i need to talk to you" Richard said patting the bed

Aleesha laid down, situating her head on Richards lap where he began stroking her hair

"About 2 years before i met you i had this girlfriend, she was amazing. Never thought i would marry her but she was nonetheless a great girlfriend. One day Yocelyn popped in with Aaliyah talking about some emergency meeting and not being able to find a sitter so i took Aaliyah. Not knowing that my girl at the time would pop up on me. To say Yocelyn wasn't too happy with her meeting Aaliyah would be an understatement. She befriended her and got her into this lifestyle where she never had time for me and was always out with Yocelyn" Richard explained "one night they went out and she got her real drunk, she ended up sleeping with another dude and that broke me. since then i've never introduced Yocelyn to any of my girlfriends, considering i've only had 2 between that time"

Aleesha turned her head to look at Richard
"i don't ever want you to think that i would cheat on you, no matter how drunk i am i know i'm coming home to the love of my life." she said "don't you ever forget that i love you Richard Yashel Camacho"
"And i love you Aleesha Sanchez" Richard smiled
"Now can i stay in bed? my head hurts" Aleesha groaned burying her face in her pillow
"nope, Aaliyah and Zabdiel invited us to a double date" Richard teased
"you're lying please" Aleesha whined
"i'm kidding, get some sleep mami" Richard smiled stroking her hair

Once Zabdiel was done dressing he made his way downstairs to where Aaliyah awaited him with a blindfold in hand. She wrapped it around his eyes refusing to let him know what she was up to and ushered him to the car, they drove for a good hour until Aaliyah pulled over and ushered him out. By the sound of the place and smell Zabdiel knew it was about to be a good day

Aaliyah removed the blind fold

"Ta da!" She said with jazz hands "Go karting!"
"No no, none of that. I lowkey ruined your birthday by forcing you out so here's my apology" Aaliyah smiled
"thank you" Zabdiel said pulling her into a kiss
"Now i'm ready for you to eat my dust" Aaliyah said roughly
"oh is that?" Zabdiel teased with raised eyebrows
"what do you say a friendly wager?" Aaliyah challenged
"Whoever loses has to cook tonight"
"sounds fair, i hope you've got your apron ready amor" Zabdiel said shaking Aaliyah's hand

The 2 got into their go karts, taking a couple laps around the track, each taking turns in beating each other before ultimately Aaliyah won. They got out and we're greeted by a small cake which Aaliyah had ordered for Zabdiel which said "Happy Birthday Amor" in blue icing.

Zabdiel thanked Aaliyah for the day before cutting his cake while Aaliyah took a video and sat down to have their break.

"Your smack talk is really as bad as your driving" Aaliyah teased
"say one more thing and you'll be washing cake out of your hair" Zabdiel playfully threatened
"about your bad driving?" Aaliyah said before squealing as Zabdiel smashed his cake into the side of her face "my make up!"
"that'll teach you not to listen" Zabdiel smirked "now let's go home before i leave you here as punishment"

Back on campus Erick patiently awaited Ray outside her exam room, 2 caramel frappes in hand. When the doors opened he found his girlfriend talking to one of her friends. He jogged up to her.

"So? how was it?" Erick asked
"nothing i havn't seen before" Ray said biting her lip
"c'mon now mamita we're done. finally graduating this weekend" Erick said excitedly
"yeah well what if they don't call my name, what if all of this was for nothing and i disappoint my mother" Ray rushed out

Erick stopped in his tracks in front of Ray
"you've worked your ass off for this, and you're going to get it now stop doubting yourself. I'm taking you out for lunch to celebrate and i do not care what you say" he said draping an arm over Ray's shoulders
some cuteness overload 🥺🥺🥺

and i don't think i proof read this or the next 2 chapters lmao enjoy

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