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Aleesha woke up to screaming filling the fairly quiet apartment. She panicked as she identified it from Aaliyah's room, she grabbed her lamp and ran to her best friends room, ready to bench the intruder only to find her friend yelling in the corner in last nights clothes

"Yo what the fuck?" Aleesha asked putting the lamp down

unable to form a coherent sentence Aaliyah pointed towards her phone which lay in the mess of her sheets. On the screen was her Instagram notifications, she scanned the screen before landing on the reason her friend was so hysterical.

"So you telling me you woke me up with your yelling because Zabdiel followed you on Instagram?" Aleesha asked in a bored tone
"Zabdiel doesn't just follow anyone! he followed me! after knowing me for like 7 hours! he doesn't even follow you and you're his band mates girlfriend!" Aaliyah yelled
"Okay can you stop speaking in capital letters" Aleesha winced "also, this means you need to stop posting them cringe ass pictures on your story"
"get out of my room you roach" Aaliyah said
"to think i was ready to fight a burglar for you" Aleesha said grabbing her lamp
"with a lamp? fuck was you gonna do with the pixar lamp? step on him like he the i?" Aaliyah cracked
"shut up fo' i hurt you" Aleesha said before walking out

Aleesha made her way downstairs to the kitchen, making herself a cup of coffee before heading up to make her bed and ultimately get ready for the day. She was going to have a bike ride on the pier with Richard and she couldn't be more excited. Even after 2 years, tiny things like that made her blush or become giddy

She opted for some shorts and a tank with a bucket hat and some sneakers. She got some gloss and grabbed a tiny backpack for their things, Aleesha hopped downstairs to see Aaliyah in a bunch of blankets on the couch

"it's like burning out here and you wearing blankets?" Aleesha asked
"yeah, what's watching Netflix without blankets?" Aaliyah asked eyes still glued to Elite
"I'm not even going to answer that, i'm going out" Aleesha said
"Have fun and use a condom" Aaliyah said
"I will, disgusting and fix that hornets nest on top of your head" Aleesha smiled as Aaliyah flipped her off

Aleesha drove over to the CNCO house, knocking and being opened for by Joel who was wearing an avo mask by the looks of it

"Ray told you that huh" Aleesha laughed
"Yeah, twice a day 25 minutes, wash off with warm water" Joel recited making Aleesha giggle
"it's been 27 minutes Joel" Erick added
"what? shit!" Joel panicked running to the bathroom while Erick and Aleesha laughed
"it's only been 15 minutes" Erick let out softly to Aleesha
"you're evil" Aleesha laughed
"what can i say? i learn from the best" He shrugged
"Yeah Ray does pull some pretty nasty things out" Aleesha laughed recalling the time she faked her arrest and had the girls "bail" her out at 2am

"So how are things between you 2?" Aleesha asked
"Fine" He answered looking down
"That's a lie, try again" Aleesha said
"well you see, we fought yesterday over how touchy Christopher is and i apologized over text, i think we're good but i feel like she's avoiding me" Erick explained
"lemme see the text" Aleesha said holding her hand out

Erick fished for his phone, handing it to Aleesha who read through the message carefully

"You see whenever Ray says "she's over it", it really got to her in some way plus "as a friend??" really Erick" Aleesha questioned
"What?" Erick asked
"You, and I and the next blind man can see the chemisty you 2 have, you're basically made for each other, you friend zoning her was a bad move Cuba" Aleesha explained
"So what do i do?" Erick panicked
"Ray likes big gestures, she likes to know that you care, so i'd get her her favourite food or whatever and show up to her dorm room while she's studying and give her a nice relaxing break" Aleesha suggested
"I feel my pockets getting $10 heavier" Richard teased walking to meet his girlfriend half way
"wait, you 2 bet on us?" Erick asked
"Actually i didn't, i bet on Zabdiel and Aaliyah but that's not the point, she's been craving something spicy" Aleesha smiled before bidding her farewells and making her way out with Richard

Upstairs Zabdiel stood staring at his phone, he expected a dm from Aaliyah considering that he had followed her back but it was nearly midday and still there was nothing

"are you waiting for your pay check?" Joel joked when he walked into their home studio
"no" Zabdiel answered absent mindedly
"Okay, then what's got you staring at your phone so hard" Joel asked
"Nothing" Zabdiel said

Before he could comprehend Joel had snatched his phone from his grasp and taken a peep at what he was staring at and low and behold he was looking at Aaliyah's empty dm screen

"Awww is Zabdi in love now?" Joel teased
"No!" Zabdiel said furiously taking his phone back
"Geez louise, calm down now. She's pretty cute but sitting and waiting for her dm isn't going to make her yours. Either you dm her or you'll die waiting" Joel advised before leaving.

Zabdiel sighed, taking a deep breath in

zabdieldejesus hey, it's Zabdiel from the other night...

He sighed, erasing the message. Of cause it was Zabdiel! his username said it

zabdieldejesus hey Aaliyah, realised i didn't get your number the other day.... how are you?

Zabdiel erased the message again, trying 3 more times before flopping on the couch in frustration. He tossed his phone on the table, running his hands through his hair.

"Guys what are we going to do about the album release party, Ricky called to ask if we needed catering but we don't even have a game plan!" Joel yelled
"dude, we'll just rent a club or something" Christopher said
"whatever you decide tell us so we can invite the proper people" Zabdiel yelled
"by right people you mean Aaliyah right" Christopher nudged playfully
"shut up" Zabdiel mumbled
"that gives you a reason to dm her now bro" Christopher said leaving Zabdiel

Zabdiel thought about it for a second but dismissed the idea knowing that she would probably hear from Ray or Aleesha about the idea

guess he'd just have to stick to the usual group setting for now

i'm kinda proud of myself for the long chapters

🎈drop something


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