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Zabdiel grabbed his red and white jacket, slipping it over his shirt and black pants to go with. He grabbed a cap even though he would be in a nightclub and some sneakers to complete the look. He looked through the mirror at Aaliyah who was wrapped up in blankets staring at her macbook in concentration.

He smiled and made his way over to her side of the bed, hugging her wrapped body in his arms as he lay his head down

"You're not sleeping in on your birthday c'mon" Aaliyah said patting his thigh
"awww pls mi amor, i just wanna be with you" he groaned
"you'll have tomorrow and the next day to do that" Aaliyah said getting up

Zabdiel noticed how she was just wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts that disappeared underneath them along with some fluffy socks. She pulled him off the bed and began dragging him down the stairs to meet the boys.

They all looked up at Zabdiel and began singing happy birthday to him. Zabdiel thanked the boys and soon joined them downstairs after giving Aaliyah a goodbye kiss.

"Remember no strippers, no skanks and no hoes" Aaliyah reminded "And if he gets drunk please make sure he keeps his hands to himself"
"Of cause Li, what do you take us for" Richard commented
"boys" Aaliyah said simply
"we solemnly promise to keep Zabdiel a taken man!" Christopher yelled
"And that's why you're my least favourite" Aaliyah smiled "love you stay safe"
"Love you too" Joel yelled
"not you but okay" Aaliyah laughed making her way back up to her toasty bed covers

She walked  into her bedroom to see Aleesha grabbing one of her tubes of lipstick

"where are you going dressed like a million bucks?" Aaliyah asked
"Yocelyn invited-
"oh you guys are friends friends now" Aaliyah said raising her eyebrows
"yeah, problem?" Aleesha asked turning to her friend
"no, not at all, just don't forget us when you decide to become besties" Aaliyah informed her
"what's that supposed to mean?" Aleesha asked defensively
"nothing really" Aaliyah said holding her hands up

Aleesha mumbled a "whatever" before leaving Aaliyah's room and leaving. Once Aaliyah heard the door slam shut she shrugged and got herself back into her cocoon of blankets. Being alone in the house she didn't feel like doing anything extravagant considering that she had to be cautious about her head.

Aaliyah decided to check her instagram, going in and seeing all the boys had updated their stories. She went through seeing Christopher daring Zabdiel to chug 23 shots for his age, Joel getting a lap dance from some random girl and Richard vibing to the songs being played. She smiled at the thought of Zabdiel having fun, setting her phone down and getting back into her show

"Girl that dress is making your ass look good" Aleesha complimented Yocelyn
"okay but your ass" Yocelyn laughed
"Girl let's go before we get stuck in a compliment battle" Aleesha laughed grabbing her new friends hand

The 2 girls got into the uber, Aleesha paid and they made their way into the club Yocelyn guiding Aleesha straight to the bar. She ordered 2 cosmopolitans and immediately chugged hers while Aleesha took it by the straw

"girl. don't be pussy have some shots" Yocelyn pushed
"i'm not tryna get drunk girl" Aleesha said watching Yocelyn down the shots
"It's your loss, let's dance" Yocelyn yelled pulling Aleesha to the dance floor

The girls got there around 8pm and before midnight Yocelyn had somehow gotten Aleesha smashed. Barely able to stand up, Aleesha leaned against the bar for support while Yocelyn fished for her phone. She got her face recognition and dialled for Richard. hoping to god the contact labelled "Papi❤️" wasn't her dad

Richard answered quickly after 2 rings

"Hey baby we're on our way home just need to get Joel" Richard greeted
"It's not Aleesha- but we need you guys to come get us" Yocelyn said in a panicked voice when she looked over at the bar and couldn't find Aleesha "fuck!"
"what happened?" Richard asked sternly
"Well i took Aleesha out but we kinda over drank and shes shit faced and now i dunno where she is" Yocelyn rushed out
"what do you mean you don't know where she is" Richard asked slowly
"I mean she was under my nose one  minute and now she's nowhere to be fucking seen" Yocelyn said looking around the club
"Send me your location we'll be there in 5" Richard said

Not even giving her a chance to answer Richard gathered the boys like a herd of sheep and got them to the club that Yocelyn had said they were at which wasn't too far from theirs.

"Dude, you're cock blocking real hard here" Joel hissed nodding towards the girl on his arm
"i'll be 2 minutes" Richard yelled absently

He basically ran into the club and looked around for Aleesha, spotting Yocelyn trying to pry her off of one of the stripper poles

"Aleesha get off you're not as flexible as you think" Yocelyn pleaded
"Drop it like it's hot" Aleesha yelled drunkenly  "play gasolina again!"
"Okay let go mami, i'm here" Richard said opening his arms
"How does this look papi" Aleesha said going to dip but failing miserably as she stumbled back into Richards embrace

Richard got her into the car, shooting Yocelyn that "we'll talk about this later" look and getting into the drivers seat. They pulled up to the new house, Joel quickly grabbed his arm candy and got to business. Richard scooped Aleesha's sleeping body into his arms, helping her into bed and getting her make up off. He put her into one of his shirts and tied her hair placed a bucket at the bed for her to puke in before making his way to the living room where Yocelyn sat on her phone

"The babysitter said Aaliyah's in bed so if you could let me go home officer so she can wake up with her mom" Yocelyn said sarcasm laced in her voice
"You wanna tell me about the shit you pulled tonight?" Richard said angrily
"what do you mean?" Yocelyn asked
"We spoke about this Yocelyn, this trying to break me and Aleesha up. And you still try and do it. Why?" Richard asked harshly
"I really have no-
"You tried to get her drunk knowing very well she wouldn't know what she was doing but Aleesha's not like the others she's not going to run to the nearest man and that's where your little plan failed" Richard snapped "i thought this time shit would be different"
"No you look here, i'm giving you one more chance with Aleesha, pull your tricks again and it's over for you" Richard said turning on his heel "i ordered an uber for you"

He entered his and Aleesha's bedroom as quietly as possible trying not to wake her because no guarantee he'd woken up the entire neighbourhood with his argument with Yocelyn. Aleesha groaned and opened her eyes

"Papi i'm sorry" Aleesha apologised
"It's not your fault mami" Richard signed knowing she felt guilty for getting so drunk
"don't want you taking care of me" Aleesha slurred
"Doesn't matter how you get mami, i'll always be here to take care of you okay? don't ever forget that" Richard said laying a kiss to her forehead "now let's sleep"

Down the hall Zabdiel had shrugged his jacket off and kicked his shoes across the room. He slowly moved Aaliyah's macbook off the bed and tried to slip into the bed without waking her. Aaliyah simply adjusted herself, laying her head on Zabdiel's chest as he wrapped his arms around her body

some extra Zaaliyah content for my Zaaliyah stans

🎈drop ideas


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