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Aleesha shoved the rest of her clothes into her suitcase, not saying a word. She huffed and pulled her straightener out of the wall socket with force just as Richard came into the room

"You might pull the wall out there" Richard joked
"Okay" Aleesha said dryly earning a confused look from Richard
"Okay, what's wrong" Richard asked

Aleesha ignored him and continued to wrap the cord around her straightener until he grabbed it out of her hand and threw it on the bed forcing Aleesha to look at him

"Nothing okay! my best friends are pregnant and getting married! i'm here. Just smiling" Aleesha said giving a full smile to emphasise her point
"Okay tiger.... from what i read between the lines you want a ring and a baby" Richard sighed
"No, not at all" Aleesha said tending to her packing again
"Aleesha we spoke about thi-
"No you spoke about it, you didn't even let me get a word in" Aleesha snapped
"Okay then say your piece i'm listening" Richard said
"There's nothing to say, i just find it funny that we are the ones who been together the longest yet Ray and Aleesha are the ones getting married and having babies! i introduced them to the boys!" Aleesha finally said "Just thought after 2 years of riding by your side i would at least be closer to a ring or something"

Richard grabbed Aleesha's hands and faced her
"You're stick with me. Til the sun stops shining and the world stops spinning. I don't need to give you a piece of jewellery to tell you that mami. I love you and only you okay" Richard said
"Okay" Aleesha mumbled hugging Richard

Back in Aaliyah and Zabdiel's room, Aaliyah walked in to see Zabdiel looking at the door as if waiting for her to come in. She closed it and went to the bathroom to begin her make up for their flight back to Miami. Zabdiel leaned against the doorframe and looked at Aaliyah

"You havn't spoken to be since the night we found out about Ray's pregnancy" Zabdiel stated "did i do something wrong?"
"No" Aaliyah answered simply
"Yes, because you're not talking to me" Zabdiel said
"I'm talking to you now" Aaliyah countered
"Dammit Aaliyah can you stop being a smart ass for one second!" Zabdiel snapped scaring Aaliyah

She turned around to face him
"You wanna know what my problem is? my problem is pretty simple. Go look at your responses on the groupchat" Aaliyah said narrowing her eyes
"You cannot seriously be mad that i don't want to have a baby with you right now" Zabdiel said rolling his eyes
"Yes i can. And yes i am mad!" Aaliyah snapped "You have no idea how much that shit hurt Zabdiel"
"You know what hurt, me confessing my love in front of our families on Christmas and not getting it back" Zabdiel shot
"I told you we are taking it slow!" Aaliyah yelled
"But you're quick to jump into bed with me!" Zabdiel snapped immediately regretting the words as they came out

Aaliyah looked at him with hurt in her eyes, she packed her make up off the counter not caring that she only had concealer on. She shoved it into her carryon and got her jacket and bags ready

"Nena- i didn't mean it like that" Zabdiel sighed
"then how fücking else did you mean it Zabdiel? how else could you mean something like that?" Aaliyah asked a slight shake in her voice "i love you Zabdiel De Jesus, from the bottom of my heart you make me the happiest woman on this planet"
"I'm not forcing you to say it now" Zabdiel said
"You were forcing me back there" Aaliyah said grabbing her cases "and this isn't forced, i genuinely do love you"

With that Aaliyah exited the room with her bags leaving Zabdiel in the fairly empty room. She shot Aleesha a text about moving her flight to one to Mexico instead because she needed to clear her head before disappearing into a cab

Zabdiel joined the rest of the group down in the lobby to go to the airport

"Wheres Erick and Ray?" Joel asked
"Uh decided to stay here for a couple more days cause Ray's mom was excited and what not about the engagement" Aleesha explained
"wait until she finds out about the pregnancy" Joel said "and Aaliyah?"
"Changed her flight, she needed to go home" Aleesha replied making Zabdiels heart sink
"so it's just the 5 of us" Christopher said looking around
"Yeah and you better not try me because i am more tired than Erick's leather jacket in Pretend" Aleesha said leaning back into the seat

The group got to the airport and boarded their plane. Zabdiel couldn't help but think of ways to apologise and redeem himself once Aaliyah came back. What he had said was completely out of line and instead of basking in the glory that she had finally confessed that she loved him, he was sitting on a plane next to Christopher sad that he wasn't seeing his girlfriend for a while

Richard watched Aleesha sleep in the seat beside him, he couldn't help the smile that was on his face. She had been with him through thick and thin and didn't shun or judge him for having a child at such a young age. She was technically the perfect woman to marry but something was holding him back and he had no idea what it was.

Everyone was definitely leaving Puerto Rico in a different state than when they arrived.

short chap cause i'm tired and need to sleep fr.

🎈drop ideas


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