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"You have your charger right?" Erick asked
"Yup" Ray said holding it up
"Your medication is in the bag? I packed in a coat in case you get cold cause apparently New York has bipolar weather so i can't have you catching a cold" Erick said with a slight laugh
"Right" Ray said
"Your pjs are packed in right and a heat pack in case-
"Erick, papi, i'm going to be okay" Ray said stopping him from rambling again
"I know, you're a strong girl" Erick smiled
"I just dunno how to change a tire" Ray mused with a laugh
"I'm going to miss you so much" Erick said holding her to his chest "Facetime every night before you go to bed"
"That's until my hours get all weird" Ray said sadly
"i'll still have my phone on sound in case you wanna talk" Erick said "we better get going before you're late for your flight"

Erick got 2 of Ray's bags while she got the one carry on. They packed it all into the car before she took a look at the house she had spent the last 5 months in.The couch she'd lazied around on for hours on end, where Erick would tackle and tickle her, Christopher and her would pig out and play video games. The kitchen where most of the family conversations happened.

She closed the door and made her way into the passenger seat, smiling at Erick as they drove off to the airport. Upon arrival she went to get her bags secured and get herself ready to board her flight. Sitting in Erick's arms, she didn't wanna leave, yes New York was her dream but, that was all the way before Erick came along

"I wish we had more time together" Ray mumbled in his shirt
"Trust me the minute we drop the EP, i'm coming over there" Erick said
"Keep my mind off of this please" Ray sniffed
"Your new apartment lease came through, your roommate moved in last week so it should be smelling like home already" Erick said with a laugh
"Yeah he facetimed me last week to tell me he was looking forward to meeting me" Ray smiled remembering the brief but energetic call
"oh, he?" Erick asked
"Don't" Ray said sternly "he seems pretty nice and not interested in me"
"I don't care, i break knee caps either way" Erick said making Ray laugh

Just as she was about to answer the intercom went, calling Ray's flight to board. This made her hug deeper into Erick as her sniffs turned into full blown sobs. Erick ran a hand through her hair, telling her he would be fine and everything was okay. She pulled away and Erick kissed her, softly, a proclamation of his love coming through evidently

Ray pulled away, pulling her hands out of his and slowly taking a step towards the boarding gates but not before turning to him

"I know what i'll do when I get a flat" She smiled through her tears
"and what's that?" Erick asked softly
"Call my fiancé" Ray said sniffing

Erick laughed and pulled her into one last hug before finally letting her leave. He walked back to the car and set his head on the steering wheel, as much as he wanted to go back and pull her into the car and tell her she couldn't go to New York but it was her dream and she would soon be his wife. Erick had no choice but to support her.

Back at the hospital Richard walked in with 3 cups of coffee and an ice tea, handing one to Zabdiel, Aleesha and the tea to Aaliyah.

"So when did they say you'll be released?" Aleesha asked
"Tomorrow for me and my babies" Aaliyah smiled
"How do you feel?" Richard asked
"Exhausted, but happy" Aaliayh said
"I wanna know how you didn't know you were having twins though" Christopher said coming in with the bag of food
"Christopher" Kat scolded hitting his arm
"What this is a genuine question" Christopher shrugged
"There are a bunch of reasons, probably thought Mia was a food baby" Aleesha joked
"Did you just- ma'am you're not allowed anywhere near my daughter" Aaliyah said
"That's okay because we won't be home for 2 weeks" Richard smiled
"What do you mean?" Aleesha asked
"I still owe you a honeymoon" Richard said "So we're going to Thailand for a week and then Spain for another"
"What? Baby oh my god!" Aleesha squealed
"As happy as i am for you, there are 2 new borns sleeping here" Aaliyah said
"Kat and I arn't going to be around for a while so you and Zabdiel have the house to yourselves" Christopher informed them
"You guys can settle the babies into the house without any noise" Kat smiled
"Wait so what about Joel?" Zabdiel asked
"Leave that to Kendall" Aleesha smirked

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