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Sienna sat quietly in Erick's lap, eyes trained on her cartoon absentmindedly as she ate her cereal while they waited for Lunay to come to take her to school. He finished her hair up, proudly leaning back to admire how he had laid her wild hair to rest

"Done!" Erick said triumphantly causing Sienna to stand up and put her bowl on the counter, or rather as best as she could before walking back to get her bags
"Si" Erick said following the little toddler with his eyes
"Princesa" He tried again when she didn't answer
"Papa when is mommy coming back?" Sienna asked abruptly
"Soon bebita" Erick said sweetly but thrown off by the sudden question
"I want mommy now" Sienna said a trace of sadness in her voice
"Listen princess" Erick said crouching down to her eye level "Mommy is just staying by the hospital to make sure your little brother or sister is okay and when they come they are healthy and strong like you"
"But i protect them" Sienna said showing her "muscle"
"Woah there big muscles!" Lunay yelled entering the room
"TIO!" Sienna yelled running into his arms
"Aye mamas!" Lunay yelled back picking her up. "Ready for school?"
"Yes!" Sienna yelled clapping enthusiastically "bye papa!"
"Bye princesa" Erick smiled waving back at her


Christopher🤡 who ate the left over pizza-

Ken👽 that would be....

Ken👽 me😇

Christopher🤡 you've only been living here for 5 months and you're already eating our pizza??? i say we vote her out boys

Rich👻 i agree

Leech🧚🏽 uhm... what is going on here

Rich👻 baby she used my shampoo!!

Leech🧚🏽 and you used my comb- you don't see me kicking you out

Leech🧚🏽 stop pouting like a little bitch

Rich👻 you can't even see me-

Leech🧚🏽 i know you

Joelito🐙 wait why are we voting my girlfriend out the house???

Christopher🤡 she ate the pizza?!?

Cubano💕 who ate the pizza?

Christopher🤡 K*ndall

Lee🦋 not you censoring her name😭

Cubano💕 oh no bro, i say we kick her out


Lee🦋 tbh you were better without her

Cubano💕 yeah we liked wanking Joel better

Zabdi👨🏽‍🦲 yeah fat chicks and black dicks Joel was a movement

Joelito🐙 okay HA HA i get what you guys are trying to do

Rich👻 and what is that Hosea?

Christopher🤡 please enlighten us Joseph


Kat😺 not you guys jousting Joel

Lee🦋 Uhhh Kat you know what that word means right....

Kat😺 no... why?

Ray👼🏽 it means poking someone in the asshole while they sing so you can get the high notes😭


Christopher🤡 we may never know... he could be into it

Rich👻 i slapped his ass once and i swear he moaned

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