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Aleesha let out a breathe as she stared into the closed door as if it would magically open, finally gripping the bag in her hands she opened the door to find Richard sitting on the bed in nothing but a towel. He was scrolling through his Spotify trying to find a song to shower to when Aleesha came in. he looked up at her and looked back down at his phone

"Papi can we talk?" Aleesha meekly asked
"yesterday i was the man who couldn't handle an independent woman and now today i'm papi?" Richard asked coldly
"I know you're mad at me-
"I'm not mad Aleesha i'm hurt. Hurt that you keep doing things behind my back, hurt that you don't think i'd support such a big move for you but most importantly i'm hurt that you would throw the symbol of our love back in my face like that" Richard said looking her dead in the eye
"I know you're hurt Richard and i'm sorry" Aleesha apologised
"You know but do you understand?" Richard asked simply "i'm going to need a couple of days by myself so i booked a B&B"
"Richard please-
"i'll come back with a clear mind and a decision" He said before getting up and walking into the bathroom

Aleesha set the bag of food down on the bed, her eyes catching sight of the suitcase Richard had been packing that sat open and full of clothes. It finally clicked, Aleesha had pushed Richard to the breaking point and now he was going to leave her, sign the divorce papers and leave. With that Aleesha turned on her heel and ran over to Aaliyah's room

"PRIVACY- Aleesha- why are you crying oh my God what happened?" Aaliyah asked walking over to her
"He's going to leave me" Aleesha sniffed
"No he's not" Aaliyah assured
"He's packed a bag and he said he needs space he's never needed space Aaliyah" Aleesha explained through sniffs
"It's just space, look i promise he just needs time to remember why he loves you" Aaliyah promised "look how about we pig out on ice cream and thirst over Guzman?"
"Only if i get to thirst over aron" Aleesha bargained
"Deal" Aaliyah smiled "Zabdiel. out"
"Pero Paw Patrol" Zabdiel said pointing to the cartoon
"It wasn't a question" Aaliyah said sternly
"I hate it here" Zabdiel mumbled grabbing his phone
"Te Amo" Aaliyah yelled after him

Walking out of the bathroom, Ray dropped her towel on the bed and moved to fetch her lotion. She almost gasped as she caught sight of her reflection in the vanity mirror, she brought her hands down to her stomach to touch the small bump that had formed magically over night just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Her eyes began to water as it finally sunk in that she was growing a child in there.

"You look beautiful" Erick said grabbing her attention
"It's really happening" Ray whispered
"Yes it is"Erick said standing behind her. He placed his hands on top of hers, stroking the top of her hands gently "muchas gracias mi amor pero todos"
"De nada although you had a hand in this sir" Ray smiled looking at him through the mirror
"You wanted to go bearback" Erick said
"You forgot to buy the plan B" Ray shot back
"in my defence post sex breakfast runs are the best" Erick shrugged
"I know right! those Mcegg things with the hasbrown and the oh my god i could go for one" Ray whined
"Get dressed Mi Amor it's still breakfast hour" Erick said clapping his hands
"You're paying" Ray yelled slipping some sweats on
"Of cause i am" Erick laughed

Clowns 🤡

Zabdi👩🏼‍🦲 Richard I got kicked out of my own room because you're an idiot why did you leave Aleesha???

Joelito🐙 you what????

Ray👼🏽 wrong chat idiot

Leech🧚🏽 i'm gonna leave

Lee🦋 no i actually wanna know

Rich👻 i mean it is MY marriage

Cubano💕 it stops being YOUR marriage when it starts affecting all of us

Joelito🐙 it's only affected Zabdiel....

Cubano💕 watch Aaliyah drag all the girls in for a girls day and you can sleep in a cold bed... no Kenny cuddles tonight Joelito

Lee🦋 i-

Rich🐙 When your wives start doing shit behind your backs tell me so then i can concider your judgment valid

Zabdi👩🏼‍🦲 mine kept 7 months of her pregnancy a secret

Cubano💕 mine adopted a whole child 😃

Lee🦋 anyone else feeling attacked



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Zabdi👩🏼‍🦲 bruh i-

Kat😺bruh i'm dead

Ray👼🏽like this baby about to be if Erick keep playing me

Cubano💕 fine i'm sorry

Kenny👽Just get your ass in check Richard i'm in the mood for some Joelito cuddles tonight 😩

Kat😺i need to bleach my brain

Ray👼🏽yup that— i didn't need to see


Lee🦋 not you using yourself as a meme sir

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Lee🦋 not you using yourself as a meme sir

Ray👼🏽 i have taught you well my son

anyways chile i'm going to bed

🎈drop ideas


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