Chapter 16- I miss you, Finn

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"What about You call yourself 'fat Amy'? Yeah so twig bitches like you can't say it behind my back I laugh

"Yeah and I ate my twin in the womb Travis snickers

"Or lesbi honest.. whoop there it is"

We both burst out laughing, Travis careful not to crash the car. We had just seen pitch perfect and talk about amazing. The Jesse guy is so hot, and Rebel Wilson is now my inspiration. Can she get anymore funny?

"Fat Amy, what are you doing?! Horizontal running" I laugh

"That has got to be the best movie ever" he grins "I want to see it again"

"Me too" I grin back

After driving back to the campus and Travis parking my car in the 'student parking only' area, I follow him up to his dorm room, hoping Jack and Layla aren't in there doing...things

"We can go back to your dorm if you want" Travis suggests "I know how much you don't like Jack at the moment"

I shrug "You're my friend too Trav, I'm gonna hang out with whoever I want, wherever I want"

He nods "fair enough"

We walk into his room and Jack and Layla are in there, giggling. Jack was straddling Layla, while tickling her.

The only thing that was running through my mind was

I want that

"Oh" Layla blushes "uh...hi guys"

"Hi" Travis coughs awkwardly "do you want us to leave...?"

"No" I cut in "we're staying" I inform him, glaring slightly at Jack

"Oh..Kay then.." Travis says "so"

"Actually we were in the middle of something" Jack says, not taking his eyes off of me

"Well not everything can be finished" I state, waking Travis' laptop up.

"Sarah can I talk to you please?" Layla asks, looking quite annoyed. Well, so-rry for interrupting your sex time. Jeez.

"Sure" I shrug

"In private" she finishes. I sigh and stand up, and walk outside

"Yes?" I ask her, when she finally decides to untangle herself from her boyfriend and join me.

"Are we cool?"

Oh so because I'm having a fight with a close friend at the moment that happens to be dating her, suddenly I don't like her? Why would she even think that?

I'm not jealous.

"Yeah why wouldn't we be?" I fake smile. Okay so maybe I was a little jealous..I have no idea why though. I don't even like Jack.

"You seem really mocking lately" she mumbles "especially when Jack and I are together. Do you have a problem with us being a thing?"

"No" I sigh "I'm just mad at him at the moment okay?"

"Okay" she nods understandingly "I know with Finn leaving, it must be hard seeing us as a couple"

Excuse me?


"Well you know, Jack looks like Finn, Finn looks like Jack" she chuckles.

Okay I am almost certain, twins would be offended by that Layla.

Maybe that's why I'm jealous...

Jack looks like Finn, so it's almost like Finn and Layla getting cuddly. Of course. That's the reason why I'm jealous.

Get a grip Sarah, your boyfriend is in Leeds, not here tickling one of your best friends.

Wow, I really miss my boyfriend.


"How's it over there?" I ask Finn on Skype. It was break at the moment, so I decided to Skype him before finishing my classes.

"It's alright" he shrugs "I miss you though"

"I miss you too" I smile sadly. All I want to do Is crawl into bed with him and cuddle while we watch a walk to remember -my favourite movie.

"It sucks that our holidays aren't at the same time"

I frown. I didn't know that..Why didn't he or Jack inform me?

"They aren't?"

"We'll kinda.." He says "you have a couple of days more than us"

"Oh, so you're still coming back here to see us right?" I ask, hope in my eyes. I really hope he can be here for the holidays. What if he can't? What if he finds another girl down there and decides to stay there?

Don't be stupid Sarah. He likes you. Plus, he will want to see his family during the time off. He hasn't seen Emmy In a while, so he will wan to see her.

Come to think of it, I haven't met any of Finn or Jacks family..

"I haven't met your family" I speak up

"You haven't?" He asks "Surely Jack took you to meet them?"

"Nope" I mumble "I've only been to his house a couple of times and no one Else was home, because it was either a party or that video we did together" I explain

"Oh" he says "well, I will introduce to to them next time I'm up okay?"

"It's sad to think that not for another couple of weeks" I sigh.

"Yeah" he sighs back

"Oh shoot, I'm late!" I shriek. The worst part about university is that there's no bell, so you have to keep track of your class times.

"Bye babe" he says, blowing me a kiss.

"Bye. Love you!" I say, returning the kiss, before shutting my laptop.

Great. The next class is with Jack.


Short? Boring? I know i'm sorry :( I will try and make the next one better..Ive got to stall a few chapters until more real action happens though okay? Otherwise the story will be rushed. Yes, so just bare with me! 

By the way, i really like it when you guys comment good things :3 it makes me feel special..So keep it up yeah? Thankyou!

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Love youuuu x

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