Chapter 10- Such a worry-bot Finny!

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"These dresses are all gross!" I grumble, turning my nose up at yet another sparkly silver dress.

"What about this one?" Finn asks, holding up a bright red long dress that reached my ankles. Is he okay?

"" I chuckle "that has Dolly Parton written all over it" He laughs at that.

"What about this one?" Sam asks, holding up a bright yellow, one sleeved dress, with yellow feathers. I could tell he was joking by the way both his, Maz' and Jacks faces were going red, trying to hold in their laughter.

"It's....nice" Jack grins

"Guys!" I groan "I'm serious! I need a new dress"

"Sorry" Sam laughs. And by laughs, I mean laughing so hard that no sound was coming out, as both him and Jack held onto eachother. Thanks guys. Thanks.

"Guys, I'm not coming out in this" Layla yells.

"Come on Lay!" I plead "I want to see it!"

"No" She shouts "It's way too short and shows too much cleavage!"

"Who was the one that wanted to be more confident?" I yell. This is going to work. I know it.

She grumbles and cusses, before walking out in the short, black pencil dress I forced we to try on. Told you.  She needs to show off that sexy body of hers. Not hide it.

The boys' jaws drop, and I smirk as I push up Finn's with my hand.

"You're hot, Layla!" I grin "like, really hot! I'd bang you any day!" I ramble. Oh.

The boys all give me a confused look "what?" Sam asks "you would..'bang' her?" He smirks "Is Sarah Lesbian?" He fake gasps

"Shut up!" I mumble, blushing "what I meant is that if I was a guy, I would tap that"

The boys all burst out laughing. Today just isn't my day.

"Don't worry" Finn grins, putting his arm around my shoulders "I know what you mean" He says, kissing my cheek, causing me to blush. Thanks, Finn. Thanks.

"Im not wearing this" Layla mumbles "I look like a slut!"

"No, just really hot" Maz corrects

"Yeah" Sam, Travis and Jack agree.

"Lay, you're the one saying you want to loosen up. This is loosening up" I grin. I actually envy her body! she has the right curls in the right places, unlike me. I find myself skinny. That's it. No curves, no nothing.

She sighs before saying "Fine, but if I get raped its on all you!" She turns around as she still rambles "And you're paying for the baby fee's!"

i roll my eyes at that. Only Layla will see it that way.

"One down, one to go" Travis mutters

"Great!" I squeal "now we can look for me!"

"Sarah don't you have like 50 dresses already?" Maz asks "Can't you just wear one of them?"

"Fifty two actually" Travis corrects.

"But I only brang ten to Uni" I defend "and none of them are good enough. I need a new one"

"Fine" Jack sighs "Let's go into Susan's" He says with a dead serious face. How does he do that? It's obvious he found himself funny, although he can keep a straight face. How?

"JACK!" I groan, as everyone else bursts out laughing.

"I reckon you would be cute in that flowery, patterned dress over there!" He defends, Pointing to a long skirt that you would find a ninety year old wearing. Oh my god.

"That's a skirt!" I exclaim "and my grandma owns it" Gosh. I am not going into Susan's. Ever.

Everyone laughs harder.

Stupid, people.

"Seriously though, I need a dress" I say "If I don't get a new one I won't go". I say stubbornly. It was true though. I don't know why I need a new one, I guess I just hate wearing dresses that I've worn to other parties before.

"Fine" Jack sighs "Let's go in there" He motions towards a shop that looks new. It didn't even have a name on it, although there was some pretty good dresses.

"What about this one?" Maz calls out "It's orange" He grins "orange is pretty" Him Sam and Jack laugh again. I guess they're never gonna stop joking around.

I give him a dry look and continue to search through the stack of dresses.

"That's nice" Layla nods, pointing at the white dress.

"Him, maybe for a picnic or whatever" I shrug, putting it over my shoulder. It's only twenty-five pounds, I might as well buy it.

"SARAAAAH!" Jack sings, from the other side of the store. I blush in embarrassment as a few customers look over to me. "I've found your dress" He grins. He passes me a red Cocktail type dress. It was a silky type of material, although not as thin. It was strapless and went about mid thigh. It was just about perfect.

My eyes widen in surprise. Did Jack Harries just pick out a good dress?

"Do you like it?" He asks. This time his face didn't show any sort of joke, so I took him seriously.

"Jack, it's...great" I grin "I'm buying it"

"Are you serious?" He asks, a smile forming on his mouth "great!"

I go over to the cad register with the two dresses and put them on the counter.

"Hey" A young guy smiles "just these?" He asks.

"Yes please" I smile.

"I'm Bradley" He grins

"Sarah" I smile slightly. He's just being friendly right?

Finn walks over to me and puts his arm around my waist.

"Almost ready?" He asks, eying the guy, in a form of...jealousy?

"Uh..yep" I grin, taking the bags "thankyou Bradley"

"Come again" He smiles

We walk out of the shop and Finn looks at me. What?

"Is there something on my face?" I ask, wiping it. How embarrassing if there was oh my god.

"No" he shakes his head "It's just that he was flirting with you" He informs me.

"He was not!" I laugh "He was being friendly!"

"I don't call that friendliness Sistaah" Sam says "He was flirting"

"No he wasn't"

"Sare, he told you his name. He told you to come back to the store. He was flirting" Finn frowns a little. I didn' want to hurt him..I thought we was just being friendly..

"We'll I don't care" I shrug "he wasn't even hot"

"Are you kidding me?" Layla asks in disbelief "He was sexy!"

"Be was average to me" I explain

"If he's average what am I?" Jack asks

"Uh.." That was Hard. He's Finns twin so obviously I find him hot, but I can't say that infront of Finn because we are kind of dating..


Are we dating?

What is going on with me and Finn?

"She thinks you're hot" Finn grins "Because she thinks I'm hot duh"

I chuckle, pushing the relationship thoughts to the back of my head. I will think about it more another time.

"Come on guys, lets get Starbucks"

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