Chapter 13- Really Jack, Really?

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"Oh" is all I say. What else was I supposed to say? Congratulations! You had sex with my boyfriends twin brother!

I wasn't mad at her. Honest, I wasn't. I was mad at Jack though. Did he use her? She doesn't deserve to lose her V-card in someone's guest room, at a party. Losing your virginity should be special.

No, I wasn't having it. Jack is a dick and I'm going to let him know. 

"See! You're mad now" she sighs. Her facial features showed a mixture of guilt and sadness.

"I'm not mad at you" I smile slightly. "Just, Jack should know better" I could already feel the rage building up inside of me. What a prick. How could he do that to her? 

"Better than what?" She asks confused.

I shake my head "Listen, don't worry about it okay? I'm happy for you" I grin -fake. Right now I wanted my fist planted on Jacks nose.

"Thanks" she blushes

"So, how was it?" I ask. Of courses already know what it felt like, but I wanted to here it from her point of view.

"Fucking mind blowing"


Where are you going?" Finn asks, putting on a shirt. His voice was all croaky from the recent sleep he had just woken up from.

"I have to go see your brother" I inform him. 

"Oh, well I will come with you" He suggests. 

"Um..actually, could you stay here for now? I just need to tell him something private" I feel guilty, but I don't want him being there when I lash out at his twin. How awkward would that be?

"Okay" he smiles.

"Thank you" I smile back.

As I walk up to the boys dorm room, I spot Travis coming from Starbucks. I walk over to him and hit him to the arm. 

"Ow! What was that for! I almost spilled my coffee" he grumbles. Hangover. No surprises there. 

"Why didn't you stop Jack from banging my roommate?" I hiss

"I don't kn- wait he did what?!" He Whisper yells, fully shocked. I don't blame him. 

I sigh "don't go back to your dorm yet okay? I need to talk to him"

"Alright I'm going to see Sam, Louis and Maz before they leave anyway" he says, still completely shocked "oh and Jack was asleep when I left"

"Okay" I smile "see you later, yeah?"

"Sure" he smiles back. I've noticed since we've become friends with Layla, Jack and the rest, we've parted. We're no longer Trav and Sarah. I feel like I've disowned him. I have to catch up with him soon, just him and me.

I finish walking up to Jacks dorm room and walk straight in. I was expecting him to be on his phone or computer, but no. He's still asleep.

Not for long

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I scream, hitting him with the pillow beside him. I was raging at this point. How could he do that to her? Everyone knows you can't use a girl like that. I didn't take him to be that type of guy. The player type. 

"WHAT THE HECK?!" He yells, falling off the bed. I would of laughed if I wasn't so mad.

"I can't believe you!" I scream again, not so loud this time. The other dorm guys don't need to hear me. 

"Can't believe me? What?" He grumbles rubbing his eyes "Why is it so bright in here?" 

"Having sex with Layla! Do you even like her?" I growl, ignoring his last question. It wasn't even bright. The curtians were shut and the lights were off. 

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