Chapter 39 - Not anymore, Jack

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"Are you mad at me?" Layla asked, coming into my room and lying back onto my bed. I ignored her and continued to the read the book in my hands. I had only just started it, so it was pretty boring, but i'd rather read it then talk to her right now. "I'm going to take that as a yes" She pointed out when she noticed I hadn't answered her.

I sighed frustratedly, trying to give her the hint to get out of my bedroom. Honestly, I'm hiding out in here. Jack had come back about an hour ago and told us he remembered he promised his mother a visit. I didn't believe him though, i could tell when he was lying. I've always been able to. 

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew what you'd say!" She reasoned, groaning in annoyance. "babe?" 

"Did you know his bitch was coming with him?" I spat, only taking my eyes off the book for a second. "Or was that just part of him staying here, in our house? Just because he's here for you, for your wedding doesn't give you the right to invite whoever the fuck you want without your house mates consent babe. I haven't moved out yet" I growled, slamming my book shut "get out please" 

She looked hurt, mad but most of all guilty. I hope she feels the guilt. I hope she feels it so bad that it actually starts to physically hurt. She knew how much seeing Jack would mean, how much it'd hurt. She was there for the three months that I cried myself to sleep because I had made the biggest mistake of my life. She knew. 

"Uh, Well Travis, Ryan and I are showing Caitlin and Jack around the city..I'll see you later" She whispered, before slowly walking out of my room. I waited until my door was fully shut before I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. These last three years have been good. It's just been the boys, Layla and I, and that's was great. Nothing dramtic about it. But as soon as Mr Drama Queen and his girlfriend come, all hell breaks loose!

There was a knock on my door, but I chose to ignore it. I didn't want to talk to them. I didn't want to talk to anyone. They knocked again so I groaned and said "What?" I didn't get a reply. Instead, the door opened and there was shuffling feet from behind me. I rolled over and was surprised to see Jack standing awkwardly at my desk

"Uh, hi" he chuckled, scratching his neck. I noticed that he was slightly tanner than what he had been 3 years ago. I thought british people burnt, not tanned? Weird. 

"Hi" i mumbled, sitting up. I awkwardly patted the bed space next to me, motioning for him to sit down. He nodded and stepped towards my bed "Uh..What do you want?" I asked, when he was sitting down in what seemed like a comfortable position.

"We haven't seen eachother in three years and thats all you can say?" He asked, frowning slightly. I scoffed and held back the cuss words at the back of my throat. What else do i say? Oh my god Jack finally you're back! Let's make up and pretend the last three years never happened! no. 

"It's not like you tried to get in touch with me" I told him

"You told me to give you a year break" He said, his eyebrows nitting together in confusion and slight annoyance. 

"It's been three, Jack" I pointed out.

"I had moved on" He shrugged. "And it looks like you did too" He muttered. I couldn't help but feel like he was slighlty jealous of Ryan. I remember once when Ryan, Layla, Travis and I were at a  party. I needed a distraction from the heartache and tried to make a move on Ryan. He refused and said I would but there's two things stopping me. he continued with one, You're drunk and I don't take advantage of girls, and two Jack made it clear that you were off limits before he left. That made me really angry, thinking about it now. He was allowed to move on, but he could tell guys to stay away from me?

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