Chapter 11 -Layla why so confident?

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"Definitely going to be raped" Layla huffs, looking at herself in the mirror. She turned around and stood on her tippytoes, trying to see how much it showed her ass. I couldn't help but laugh. I was like that once. When i was virgin,  i mean. i haven't been like that for about a year, come to think of it.

"Loosen up" i sing, walking passed her and plugging in my hair straightner into the wall. My precious baby. What would my life be like without you?

"Yeah, yeah" She grumbles "I already know" She sighs and walks out of the ensuite.

"Hey Sarah?" Layla calls

"yeah?" i call back, putting the hair straightner to a piece of my hair

"Can i borrow your black stilletos? I don't have any black heels" She explains. I smile at that. I haven't shared clothes with someone else for god knows how long. It's always just been me and The bro, no one else really. And Travis wasn't really the type to cross-dress.

"Sure" I grin. Tonight is going to be good. I can feel it in my bones.

After straightening the rest of my hair, I put my dress on and take out some red heeled Gladiators, and slipping them on.

"ready to go girls?" Finn asks as he lies on my bed and texts, not bothering to look up "Sarah your bed is extremely comforta- Wow"

I blush as he openly checks out my body. "Uh..thanks?" i smile

"Come. on!" Sam groans. I didn't even notice he was in the room. When did he get here?

"Where are the rest?" I ask the two, now both sitting at the end of the bed. Finn hadn't said anything yet. He was positioned with his elbows resting on his knees, with his hands over his mouth and nose, still eye raping me. Jesus mate!

"They are already there" Finn croaks, looking out of the window awkwardly.

"a bunch of blonde girls gave them a ride when we were walking over here" Sam explains, smirking at Finn's current state. Was he okay? He looked dazed.

"Well, I'm ready" Layla pipes up "Let's go" She grabs her Purse and walks over to the door. I grab my phone before doing the same. The boys saunt behind as we walk out.

"Go you have the address?" I ask the boys, turning around. I didn't notice what they were wearing until now. Sam was wearing one of his beanies, a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans, and Finn was wearing a white button up that was was scrunched at the sleeves, with black jeans on. They both looked hot.

Also, remind me to buy one of Sams beanies. They were pretty cool.

"yeah, here" Sam passes me a slip of paper, i look at it and there was infact an address on it. I nod and continue my way to the car.

"Who's driving?" Sam asks chucking the keys in the air. I put my arm up and grab them myself.

"Me" i smirk. They all shrug and get into the car, Layla dibsing the front.

Not even five minutes.

Not even five minutes before all three of them were clutching the doors, while screaming at me to slow down.

"SARAH IF YOU DON'T SLOW DOWN I WILL RIP YOUR BALLS OFF AND FEED THEM TO MY NEIGHBOURS CAT!" Layla Screams, holding onto the passenger door for dear life.

"Guys, I'm only doing one hundred! Plus, i don't even have balls" i scoff. Whats their problem anyways? So, i'm a pretty bad driver.. Who cares? I don't even get why Travis says it's a miracle i passed my drivers test, i did pretty well that day!

Well, technically i only just passed it. But that doesn't matter.

"IN A FORTY ZONE!" Sam yells

Oh look! a forty zone sign..


"Fine" i huff, slowing the car down to sixety. Forty is for pussy's.

"Wheres the house?" Finn asks in a shaky voice.

"Just around the corner" i inform him. I turn the corner, and the entire street was full of parked cars. Shit, this was a big party. Not all these people are from University. She probably invited old highschool students too.

"Wow" Sam mumbles "there are heaps of people here.. Do you think there will be fans?"

"If so, Jack would of been mobbed" Finn chuckles. "How amusing"

"Finn, yoou're his twin. You YouNow all the time, You're just as famous" Sam reminds him. I had to laugh at that.

after finally finding a spot, i parked the car -Rather badly- and we all hopped out.

"You ready for this?" I ask Layla. She was shaking. I couldn't blame her. She was taking a big step tonight with the dress she was currently wearing.

"Hell yeah" She breathes out. Sam knocks on the door and the one and only Chloe opens up.

"Hey Finn! Hey Sam!" She grins too kindly "Layla" Her smile faulters. By the time it land on me, it was a scowl "Sarah"

"Chloe" i grin at her "How are you tonight? Having fun? Thats good. Anyways, Do you know where my friends are?"

"Last time i checked, Jack and Trav were doing shots in the kitchen"



They're on nickname basis now?!

Oh hell no!

"Great" I smile "Nice house by the way" I wasn't going to lash out on her. That will just make everyone think i'm jealous of her. Pft, please. If i wanted fake boobs...Fake nose...fake ass...fake tan...extensions... I would get them done myself. No thanks. I like my body.

Finn, Sam, Layla and I walk into the room and see Travis and Jack doing that drink the alcohol upside down contest against eachother.

Travis then stood up right, stubling a bit, before putting his arms up in the air and screaming "YEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

The rest of the guys surrounding them did the same. Jack stood up and stumbled beofre scowling "Beginners luck mate" He mumbles, his eyes were out of focus. Looks like they're partying hard tonighttt

I chuckle at my two friends. What losers.

"Shots anyone?" I ask. I knew Sam would be up for it. he's always up for shots.

"BRING IT ON!" Sam screams. I pour us both a shot each and also Finn and Layla, because they weren't getting away that easy.

We clink our glasses and i chuck it down my throat. It burned but i liked that sensation.

Layla coughed a few times before her eyes widened and she slammed the empty glass on the bench before screaming




Kind of.. so, i changed my name..

It used to be 1Derfullysexy but its now FaithHopeLife because i want to write other stories too yano. But it's still Sarah! and i still have the same stories and everything so don't stress!

yeah that was the important message.

Vote, Comment, Enjoy!


Sarah x

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