Chapter 32 - Finally

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"Sarah! Jack! Wake up!" Travis' voice echoed from a distance. No it wasn't from a distance, I was just sleeping. I rubbed my eyes and took a look at my surroundings. I smiled in excitement when I realised where we were.

We were in Vegas.

I didn't realise the pressure on my legs until something -or rather someone started moving. When I looked down Jacks head was resting on my lap, smiling up at me with tired eyes. I chuckled and shoved him off me. 

"Why did you do that?" He pouted "I was comfortable" I smirked and continued to look out of the window. It wasn't dark yet so there were no lights and gambling yet, but the city was still amazing. I can't wait to get my party on. Hopefully we'll all be able to forget about our problems and just enjoy ourselves while were here.

"Where are we staying?" Jack suddenly asked Travis. I hadn't thought about that. Where were we staying? I remember giving money to Travis to pay for my room, but I never really asked where he booked. I knew he booked somewhere big though. Why go to Vegas if you're going to stay somewhere shitty, am I right?

"Right there" He smirked, pointing towards the massive building infront. My jaw dropped as I stared at the god like building. I knew it was big, but not this big. It was white and went about thirty feet into the air. I waited until we were parked before I jumped out and got our bags out of the car. 

I spotted the rest of our crew over by the doors, obviously waiting for us to get here. I followed Travis and Jack over to them, trying to walk in step with Layla. 

That didn't work, she just continued to walk ahead. I sighed but didn't stop. I wish she stopped hating me. I know I made a mistake but..I just want her back. 

"Sam's peeing" Zoe informs me. I chuckle and nod my head. As we waited for Sam I couldn't help but check out Jack from a distance. I was leaning up against the wall next to Zoe and he was over laughing and smiling with Marcus and Aflie. He was wearing a plain black T-shirt that made his arms stand out, and he was wearing black jeans. 

He was in all black. 

Sam walked out soon enough and we all walked into the lobby to check in to our rooms. I wasn't sure who I was bunking in with, but I hoped it was Travis. He wouldn't have put me with Layla right? But then again it wouldn't be so bad if I bunked with her. I mean, maybe it'd give us a chance to sortt things out.

"OH MY GOD IT'S THEM!" A girl screeched. We all looked over to see a group of four girls. Three of them were hushing the other, obviously telling her to shutup. The were all whispering and giggling to eachother which made me smile. 

They were YouTube fans. 

"Are you guys fans?" Alfie asked. He was standing next to me, but he stood forward and hugged one of the girls that nodded. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden all the YouTubers were hugging these four girls. Layla, Travis and I stood back awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. It was nice to see them all so happy. I knew YouTubing meant a lot to these people, and seeing fans like this would obviously boost their confidence. 

"How dare you ruin Jayla" One of the girls glared in my direction. I was taken aback by the blonde girl, but didn't say anything in reply. I turned around to see if anyone was standing behind me, but unfortunately they weren't. She was definitely talking to me. 

"Tris just leave it alone, it's none of our business" One of the others muttered. She smiled apoligetically at me, so I smiled back, pretending I wasn't a little hurt.

I gulped when she stepped forward though, totally ignoring her friend. "Jack was happy. So was Layla, why did you have to ruin it whore! All I see on my tumblr blog now is Jarah this Jarah that I'm angry! you broke Finns heart too, how could you?" She rambled. I felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart. I didn't understand why she was targetting me face-to-face. Most people just send me hate on twitter. 

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