Chapter 31 - Damn dat music

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I woke up the next morning from the sound off ruffling. I didn't know what time it was, but it felt late. I knew we were going to Vegas today, but we weren't leaving until around midday. I rolled over and groaned into a pillow, signalling the person in my bedroom to leave. When they continued the annoying movements, I sat up and rubbed my eyes

"Do you mind? I'm trying to sle-" I stopped myself half way when I realised it was Finn. He turned around and looked at me. I could see the pain in his eyes as clear as glass. The way he looked at me, like he loved me, but knew he couldn't. It hurt to say the least, but I couldn't let that get to me. I'm the one that hurt him, remember?

"Sorry, I was just getting my stuff" He mutters, looking down. I followed his gaze and noticed the suitcase full of the things he had brought. I nodded slowly and glanced at the clock. "By the way, we're leaving in half an hour" He told me, as read 11:45am.


I scrambled out of bed, and ran to the top of the stairs "Why didn't anyone wake me up?!" I yell out. When I got no answer I groaned in frustration and turned on my heel. Out of everything that could happen, Jack decided to stand right behind me with no shirt on, so I fell into him "Oh u-uh sorry" I blush, pushing my hands on his hard chest, in a way to help myself stand up properly. He let go of my arms and smiled slightly at me.

"Sam! I thought you were gonna wake Sarah up?" Travis mutters, walking out of his room, scratching his head. I smiled when I saw him. We haven't had good Sarah and Travis chat in a while, and I missed him. I wonder how he's been with everything. I know this fight must be hard for him, because we're all his friend.

"She looked so disturbed, I wanted her to get more sleep!" He calls from somewhere downstairs. I groaned and ran back into my room. I grabbed the fist piece of clothing I could, which happened to be a long sleeved black shirt, and a pair of white mini shorts. I quickly ran into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I almost puked at my reflection. My eyes were swollen and red from all the crying the night before, my hair was in knots, and my skin look disgusting. I decided I definitely needed a shower so I put my clean clothes on the toilet seat and walked back out

"Trav" I dragged out innocently. He looked at me and all the emotion previously on his face dropped, like he knew I was going to ask him something. "Can you pack my stuff while I shower? I just need my clothes put back in my suitcase" I tell him. He sighs and looks at me for a moment before nodding and following me back into my room.

I quickly had a shower, making sure I scrubbed my entire body, as well as my hair. Once I got out, I dried myself with a fluffy white towel and put on my black undergarments. Once I had my shirt and shorts on as well, I opened the bathroom door to let most of the steam out. I hated trying to do my make up in such a hot temperature.

After I had my make up on, and had brushed my hair, I grabbed all the things I owned in the bathroom, and put them all in my toiletries bag. I walked back out to the bedroom to find Travis packing the last of my shirts into my suit case.

"Thanks" I smile, sitting next to him, and putting my bathroom things on top, then we both zipped it up. He nodded and grinned at me. 

"Ready?" He asked, smiling at me excitedly. I smiled at him, and nodded. To be honest I wasn't excited about anything in the near future. I knew it was going to be awkward with both Layla and Finn on the trip, but I guess I was excited. I mean, it is Vegas!

We walked downstairs to see everyone that was coming with us, surrounding the lounge room.

Maz, Caspar, Alfie, Marcus and Zoe were standing in a group chatting and talking among eachother, Sam Jack and Louis were talking in another corner, and Finn was sitting on the couch texting. I didn't know where Layla was, but i'm assuming she was still packing. Sawyer, Kian and Sam weren't coming with us, which I was sad about. This means saying goodbye to Kian. He had grown to be a really good friend, and I was sad that this would be the last time I'd see him in the flesh for a while

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