chapter 15 -Bye Bye Finn. I Love You.

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"Babe, calm down" Finn chuckles, putting his hand on my knee, which was boucing up and down.

We were at the airport -Jack, Finn and I- Waiting for Finn's plane to board. Nervous was beyond an understatement. I just wanted to crawl into a hole with Finn and never let him go. Who knows when i will see him next?

"Sorry" i mumble. Damn, my voice was croaky "i'm gonna go get a drink"

"I will come" Jack states, standing up. i was about to protest, but he brushed passed me and starting walking away.

i just sigh and catch up to him instead.

We walk in silence to the closest food store in the airport -Which happened to be Mc'Donalds. After painfully waiting in line for five minutes, a girl motions us over to her, smiling brightly.

"What can i get for you today?" She asks, oh too brightly. How could she be so cheerful when heaps of different kind of people come through -like Japanese, chinese, french, etc- It would be tiring..

"Can i get a coke please" i ask politely, pulling out my money. I was about to hand it over, but Jack swiftly pushes my hand away and passes over his money

"And i will get a Large Coffee" Jack says. The girl nods, before walking away to do our order -Or so i assume.

"I can pay for my own" i grumble. I hate it when people do that. We aren't in some cheesy romance movie. jeez.

"I know" He shrugs "I just thought it would be easier"

before i could reply, the same girl passed us ours drinks "Here" She smiles, before walking away and serving another customer.

I grab my drink and take a big gulp

"Slow down" Jack chuckles.

I glare at him and push him slightly. He tumbles a little but looks at me confused

"What was that for?!" He shrieks.

I don't answer his question instead I stomp on his foot and say "just because you bought me a drink, doesn't mean we're friends again"

I huff as i continue walking over to Finn, who seems to have moved.

"Where's your brother?" I ask Jack. That's when I realised he was laughing hysterically. What's so funny?

"Why are you laughing?" I frown

He wipes his eye and chuckles again "funny"

I just huff again. Where did my boyfriend go? He didn't leave did he?

"Hey" Finn says, coming up behind Me. I scream and jump out of his grip, causing a couple of people to look

"You scared me!" I say, hitting his chest lightly "Don't ever do that!"

"Sorry babe" he chuckles. I thought he was going to kiss me on the cheek, but instead he licked me..

"Ew!" I shriek "did you just lick me?"

"Maybe" he smirks. Okay, does he like the taste of makeup or something?

"That's disgusting"


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