Authors note

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Okay so I thought i would clear things up a little bit,

i know that Jack is in a Bristol University or whatever and Finn is in Leeds.. Yeah I get that and I was gonna change it -cause I didn't actually know where Jack was going to University when I first started writing this story- but then I realised I had made Sarah, Travis and Layla go to a party at the twins house which is in London..

So I just wanted to clear it up that in this story Jacks University is in London but Finn's is still in Leeds okay?

Oh, and because I'm Australian I didn't really know the distance between Leeds, Bristol and London until Jacks latest video..well it's actually Finn's video but yeah whatever.

So sorry if you are all confused, I just wanted to clear that up.

In summary, Jacks University is in London, and Finn's is at Leeds but at the moment he's back in London spending time with Sarah and Jack okay?

Also, Sam Maz and Louis are going to be in it quite a bit...

I think anyway.. But Sam definitely okay? Okay.

And Lastly.. I know when I first posted this story that I posted the notes too *face palm*

How stupid can I be? Omfg

Anyways, I just wanted to let of those who have read that, that I've changed it up a lot so don't expect that exactly okay?

Plus I'm pretty sure I've deleted them particular notes from Wattpad all together, so don't bother going to look for them :)

Yeah okay.

Thankyou for reading!

I hope that cleared things up for you...if it didn't and you're more confused than jus forget I said anything.

Next chapter should be up soon!

Sarah x

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