Chapter 17 -Don't even talk to me, Harries.

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Okay so in so so so so so so so so so so so yeah you get it sorry I haven't updated! I've been in Townsville for like the last 5 days and I used up all my Monthly limit of Internet while I was there D: BUT I WAS THERE BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO A REECE MASTIN CONCERT OKAY IM SOBBING IT WAS SO AMAZING YOU HAVE NO IDEA. MARCUS TIPPED WATER ON REECE AND HE SHAKED HIS HEAD AND WATER WENT ALL OVER ME BECAUSE I WAS AT THE FRONT AND HE LOOKED AT ME LIKE 123448284$19728 TIMES OKAY IM GONNA STOP NOW THANKS FOR LISTENING TO MY RANT LOVE YOU!

Oh it's short I'm sorry I just really needed to post for you xxxxxx


"Hey Rah" Layla calls out. I turn around and see Layla. Just Layla. That's a relief

"Yeah?" I ask her. I was walking through the halls of the girls dorms after my dreaded class with Jack.

I guess you want to know what happened? Okay so basically, I walked in. Took a seat at the back -away from Jack. Jack moved and sat next to me. He tried talking to me. After he realised I wasn't going to talk he stopped trying.

But then it happened.

"Class you will be doing a group activity with the two people beside you. You must make up a small play, video it and bring it into class for the rest of us to see by the end of this week. The play must be five to ten minutes long, no later no shorter"

That's about when my world came crashing down. The other person that was sitting next to me, dibsed being the director and writer. If that dude makes it a love story I will not hesitate to kill a bitch.

"I heard you're doing a play with Jack?" She asks

"Yeah" I grumble. Stupid stupid university. Why did I choose this one? I could have gone to one in Australia! Or maybe mars..either would have been much better!

"Oh" is all she says, frowning slightly. She's okay with that right? I mean, it's not like I planned this, he sat next to me!

"You're coming to the assembly tonight right?" I ask her

"Yeah" she smiles "Then Jack is taking me on a date" her eyes light up. I'm happy for my friend, I really am..but she and him just don't seem..right..I don't know. I'm just missing Finn. His laugh, his eyes, his smile, his lips, his bare chest against my shirt, his soft snore, the way he wraps his arms around me, the late night kisses we would have, the way he whispered I love you into my hair in the morning while I was pretending to be asleep..

I miss him

Holy Jesus I miss him.

"Heeeellloooooo" Layla says, waving her Hand infront of my face, slightly amused

"W-What?" I stutter. Oops?

"You zoned out" she chuckles.

"Oh" I blink. I zoned out..of course I zoned out.

"Come on" she laughs "you gotta help me choose a dress!"



"What do you mean you want me to go and ask Jack where the date is" I ask Layla

"Well I need to know what to wear! I can't wear a dress if we're going to a park or something" she whines

I roll my eyes. There was no way I was asking Jack.

"Pleaseeeeee" she begs. No, I mean legit begs. She got on her knees and clasped her hands together, giving me the puppy dog eyes. Oh no. I can never win with them eyes!

"Fine" I grumble. I quickly walk up to the dorm room. I'm not going to ask Jack. Ew no. I'm going to ask Travis. Yeah.

"Traaaav" I drag out. He always knows something is up when I use that, but it always works.

"What" he chuckles, putting down his new camera.

"Do you know where Jack is taking Layla?" I ask him

"It's a surprise" I jump slightly at Jacks voice. Oh great so he's in here.

"Can you please tell Jack that Layla needs to know what to wear" I ask Travis

"Uh.." Travis replies "he's right behind you?"

"Tell Sarah that she has to pick herself" Jack informs Travis

"Tell Jack that she can't show up in casual clothes if she's going to a fancy restaurant" I state, clearly annoyed

"Tell Sarah" Jack huffs "that my girlfriend should wear something nice"

"Tell Jack I said thanky- actually no tell him to go get bummed" I grin at Travis.

He laughs "Sarah says you should go get bummed" he tells Jack as I walk out.

Okay so maybe I shouldn't have said that but it was just there. I had to say it. Plus, there was no way I was going to say thank you. Not now not ever.

I really need to get over this fight

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