Chapter 21 -Deep...Stuff?

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I groan and roll over in bed. It was 3:24am and I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. What was I thinking?

I avoided Finn's skype call last night, and when Layla asked why I wasn't answering it, i just said I had a lot of work to do. Which is true, but the real reason is because I couldn't face him after yesterday

I won't be able to sleep until I talk to Jack...

Why am. Thinking about him at 3am anyway? This is unhealthy. I need my sleep.

I grumble a few cuss words, while pushing the covers off my body. Might as well get it done now.

I slip on my black fluffy ugg boots and my red angry birds jumper over my tank top. I quickly pull up my trackies and pull on the grey beanie; that was originally Finns, and slowly creep passed Layla's bed.

But of course my foot hits the bed and I scream out in pain. It hurt alright?

"Shit" I whisper. Damn that hurt!

"Sarah?" She mumbles, raising her head but not bothering to open her eyes "where are you going?"

"I..uh..left! In the car. I have to go get back to sleep I won't be long"

She grunts and falls back onto her Bed. I wait until she's snoring again before I tiptoe out into the darkness. This was a lot scarier than I thought.

I should of thought this through..he will be asleep..

Who fucking cares.

I need to talk to him.

After walking the short distance between dorms, I finally find myself infront of Jacks dorm room.

It was freezing, so I didn't bother knocking, instead I just walked in. Yeah, it's weird that they don't lock their door at night..

Travis has this weird belief that if you lock your doors at night, you get bad luck. Whatever. More like robbed.

"Jack" I whisper, standing about a foot away from his bed

No movement

"Jack!" I whisper again, a little louder

Still nothing

"Jack Harries! Wake! Up!" I growl, walking over to him and slapping him on his bare back


Bare? Back?

Holy shit. He has no shirt on!

"Wh-Sarah? What are you doing?" He asks, sitting up at the speed of light

"Where's Travis?" I ask him, ignoring his question. I was generally curious of where Travis would be at 3am

"He's at some chicks dorm room.." He mumbles. That explains it. "what are you doing here?" He asks again

"I needed to talk" I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest, and pulling down the beanie. He watches my actions, and keeps his gaze on the beanie for a few moments before dropping his gaze to the floor.

"What about?"

"The play. The...kiss" I mumble. He stands up and steps closer to me

"What about it?" He asks. My eyes trail down his chest and arms then down, to see that he's in nothing but boxers.

This just got...intense.

"Y-you can't kiss me like that!" I take a staggering breath. I don't know why my voice was shakey. It could be from the cold..or the fact that Jack has nothing covering...jack junior..other than a thin piece of material

"You kissed me like that" he chuckles in a raspy whisper. By now he was only inches away. I don't know why I was letting him get so close -heck I don't even know why he was so close in the first place.

But I liked it. I shouldn't. But I do.

He brushes a piece of my hair away from my neck, and leans forward. I don't know what he was doing but his nose brushed against my skin for a few moments. Was he...smelling me?

"Don't freak out okay?" He whispers into my ear. I quietly gasp at how close his voice sounded, before nodding slowly.

His lips met the joint between my neck and my collarbone before he slowly did open butterfly kisses up my neck and then jaw, and then his lips brushed my own.

He didn't kiss me though. Instead he rested his forehead on mine and breathed out; his breath fanning my face.

"What are we playing at?" He mumbles, touching my nose with his own. His breathe was shaky aswell, but I'm not quite sure from

"I-I...have to go" I whisper, pushing him away. He tripped back a little when I pushed him and watched me leave the room. I could feel his eyes burning through the back of my head.

It's official. I have feelings for Jack Harries.

No one can know what happened tonight.

No one.



You Sinn shippers hate me don't you.  

And all you Jayla shippers too.

I know, I'm sorry.,

BUT ON THE PLUS SIDEEEEE um...I can't tell you.

It's short I'm sorry :(

Buttt! Can you tell me in the comments if you're a Jayla/Sinn shipper or a Jarah shipper? Okay thanks!

50 votes until the next update!

Btw, your comments make me smile! Without you guys I would of probably deleted this, because what's the point in writing a story if no one is gonna read it, right? Yeah, so THANKYOU! I love you. I truly do.

Okay bye!

Comment, vote, fan!

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