Chapter 14 -Jack and Layla? A thing? Huh?

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"one hour" Finn sighs, collapsing on my bed next to me and putting his head in my lap. I was on my macbook putting together one of Travis' recordings for fun. Sam told me he used imovie to put his videos together, so I stole one of Trav's video cameras and now I'm working on it.

"I know" I sigh, putting down the headphones and brushing my fingers through his hair. He smiled up at me.

"We will talk every day though right?"

"You bet" I smile

"Good" he smiles back, looking at the ceiling. We fall into a comfortable silence, the only sound being our breathing.

"you have really soft Hair" I mumble

"Thanks?" He chuckled, unsure of why I was asking him that "I haven't washed it in weeks" he grins at me.

I fake gag and pull my fingers out of his hair "festy" I grimace. Boys.

He laughs at my expression before turning his attention onto my computer "what are you working on?"

"Eh" I shrug "I stole one of Travis' video cameras, and decided to play around with iMovie on my MacBook"

"Let me watch it" he nods towards the computer, sitting up.

I sigh and press play on the 2 minute video. The first part was of me and him messing around at the park before University, but after my hand covered the camera it changed to him, Finn and Maz getting coffee at Starbucks, and they were talking about how the store never get Finns name right, so he said 'cheeky' instead.

"I didn't know he was recording then" Finn states

"Shh" I mumble, continuing to watch Travis' videos. They were so interesting.

The last clip was of earlier today, at lunch when we put lemon and honey in Sam's Iced tea. Finn chuckled as he remembered him as Jack putting the stuff in.

"That's it so far" I nod. "He has heaps of clips on this thing" i mutter

"He wants to become a camera man right?" Finn Asks

"Um yeah" I say, fixing up a part of the video. The sound wasn't great, so I was fixing that which meant my full attention wasn't on him

"He should make a YouTube account" he nods "he already has the famous friends, and you could teach him how to do this, or you can do it for him" he shrugs. I was a little surprised at his statement, but actually thought about it. I mean, this Is pretty fun..

"That's actually a pretty good idea" I nod "I will talk to him about it" I smile

"I better go see my brother" he sighs

"Alright" I scowl

He chuckles "You gotta get over it" he shakes his head and walks over to the door

"What do you mean?" I mumble

"It's awkward" he starts again

"What is?" I interject

"You hating my brother, visa versa" he rolls his eyes and opens the door

"It's not my fault he's an ass!" I call after him as he walks out. I hear him sigh again before the footsteps gradually disappear.

I groan

Why are Jack and I fighting again?

Right. Because he's an inconsiderate prick who needs to learn some respect for girls.

I groan again, this time a little more frustrated.

Finn is right.

I need to get over myself.

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