Chapter 30 - I knew I would break someones heart

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~ Previously on University? ~

"You're sorry?" He whispers "You're sorry you kissed my brother?" He says louder, his voice cracked halfway through "How could you?" He asks, looking at me for the first time since I turned around "How could you both?" A tear fell down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away

"I'm so so-" Jack speaks up, but he was cut off

"Don't" He whispers to us both. I flinched, knowing this was probably the end "I have to go..walk" He mumbles, walking down the street. I didn't know what to do. What do I say? What am I supposed to say? I watched as he walked down the street, hands in his pockets. He kicked a stone onto the road and then turned the corner.  

"How did she find out?" I whisper to Jack, walking over to the wall and leaning against it. I felt that if I was to stand any longer, I would collapse. I sat on the cold ground and leaned my head against the wall, as the tears fell. I couldn't go home and get a Travis cuddle because Finn was our lift. Plus he went to this club with Caspar and Alfie tonight.

He scoffed "We were kind of obvious" He sighs. "She heard Travis talking to Sam on skype in London though" He mutters. He frustratedly sighed and punched the tree that was sitting lonely on the other side of the pathway. "I'm so stupid!" He screams, kicking the bin. i wasn't shocked by it, to be completely honest. I wanted to do the same, but I was just drained. 

"It wasn't supposed to turn out like this" I whisper to myself, wiping the tears away from my face. I wanted to let Finn down easily. Tell him that it was too hard to do long distance. I never wanted any of them to know about the kiss. I needed Finn to know that it was never my intention to cheat. I needed Layla to know I wasn't a boyfriend steale-

"I love you Sarah" 

~ Now ~

I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. He...loves me?

That's impossible. I love him, not the opposite. I mean, yeah we kissed but he can't love me. What happens now? I don't even know if Finn and I are over yet, and what about Layla? He hasn't broken up with her yet, has he? Did he not see how hurt they both were? Why is he telling me this all on the same night? It's too much. Way too much.

"No you don't" I mutter, standing up straight and pulling out my phone. To be honest I was worried for Finn. LA can be quite dangerous when it wants to be, and if Finn is mad, he might want to pick a fight  with some drunk person.

Okay, so I doubt that, but still. 

I pressed the message app and found Travis' contact. He needs to find Finn, because he'll just push me away. Plus, Travis is really convincing when he wants to be. This one time I didn't want to go to a school dance, and he convinced me into going. I actually had a pretty good night. 

As I was texting my best friend, I heard a crack. No not like a wall crack, like when you crack your knuckles when you're nervous, except louder. As I turned around, Jack screamed out in pain and fell to his knees. 

"Jack!" I gasp, running over to the now sitting body "What are you doing?" I ask him. What is he doing? I looked at the fist in my hands and noticed the quickly bruising scratches. He quite obviously punched the wall. 

"Fuck! My fist" He growls. Okay, screw texting. Hopefully he'll pick up straight away. I think Jack's fist is pretty bad, and it's getting late, meaning more drunk people. I might not love him like i did, but I still care about him.

I grabbed my phone and called Travis, making sure that it was the right  number. There were so many changed numbers in his contacts that i haven't been bothered to delte, but his current one ends in 78

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