Chapter 22 -Travis, Shut up.

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"Sarahhhh" Layla dragged out in my ear. I grunted in reply and pulled my 5 blankets up to my neck. It was freezing in here! I mean, yeah it's winter and all but it feels like I was sitting in Antarctica!

"Come on! It's snowing!" She screamed. Snow?! I jumped out of bed and ran to the window, without hesitation. I've always loved snow. Ever since i was a child.

I watched as students lied on the grass and talked. Key word; grass "you liar!" I grumble, turning around to glare at my room mate. She shrugged and gave me an innocent look.

"Sorry, I just had to get you up" She chuckled "school ends next week and Jack wants to talk to us about something" She shrugs

Oh goody.

The events of this morning come flooding into my mind like a tidal wave and I mentally groan. I have to face him so soon? Er who said?

"Sorry, can't...I er...have the flew" I put my cold hands on my cheeks and slap them really hard, trying ti make myself look flushed and hot. I could pull off having a temperature right?

"You are the worst liar in the entire world" She chuckled "come on! Get ready!"

"I wouldn't even be awake right now if you didn't inform me of snow" I mutter, pulling out black skinny jeans, a dark grey sweater, and my-


Where's Finns beanie?

"The weather man said there might be snow tonight" She shrugs, diving onto her bed and checking her phone.


The beanie must of dropped off my head this morning!

"Yay" I mumble, searching my draw one last time. I really love snow. I've always loved snow. It was always a tradition between Travis and I, that on the first night it snowed every year, we would sit on the roof and let the flakes fall on us. We always freeze to death but we have just always done it. One time i swear i got frost bite -I forced my mum to take me to the hospital. Turns out frost bite doesn't mean cold toes.. I was fourteen!

"What are you looking for?" She asks

"Huh?" I pick up the first beanie I see and show her. It was Sam's goodboys beanie; I haven't worn this in a little while. I miss Sam. I wonder how he's doing in LA..He's probably having the time of his life over there.

Stupid, rich, YouTubers

I quickly shower and change into my clothes, before walking out to Layla. She was sitting on her bed, scrolling through..twitter? I didn't know she had twitter.

"You have twitter now?" I blurt, before I could stop myself. I mentally facepalm. Why would that be such a surprise? One quarter of thr world has twitter!

Stupid stupid Sarah.

She chuckles "yeah. It surprises me how many followers I get for being Jack Harries girlfriend"

I chuckle with her as I grab a black cardigan and slip it on. I was so cold.

We walk down to the cafeteria and I spot Jack and Travis sitting down at the table right infront of the entrance and talking. They both had pretty serious looks on their faces; Travis' was a bit more angrier, whereas Jack had more of a sad look.

"Hey guys" Layla grins, completely oblivious to the tension. I could feel it though. I could cut it with a knife, it was that thick. Not just any butter knife. No, it would have to be a butchers knife.

"I gotta go" Travis growls, pushing his seat away from the table roughly and storming over to the door. He pushes it open but i quickly stand up

"TRAVIS!" I call out.

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