Chapter 2 -Yay University!

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2 weeks later

Sarahs POV

"TRAVIS! WE'RE STARTING UNI TODAY!" i squeal, jumping on him. Today me and Travis are starting our first year of Uni....lets just say im excited

"arghhhh i know, but did you really have to jump on me?" he groans, rolling over.

"yes" i grin "get uppp"


"HURRY UP!!!" Travis screams from the car

"im coming!" i yell, grabbing my coffee and bag then running out to the car, my long hair blowing all over my face

"class starts in like half an hour!"

"i know!" i groan. we still had to drive up there which takes like 15 minutes and then get settled in our dorms and STILL make it to class on time..

We had decided to stay at a hotel in Bristol a night before so it was easier to get to the University from there.  


when we got there, we basically bolted in with our stuff, grabbed our timetables and dorm numbers and then split

"text me!" Travis calls out

i speed wak down the corridor to my dorm number, chuck my stuff on the spare bed then bolt to class. i was 10 minutes late. great.

Jacks POV

the proffessor was going on about entertainment and how much it takes to get up to the top - which is where i want to be. i mean yeah, i am THE jacksgap on YouTube and have over fifty thousand fans but i don't just want to be the guy who speaks to a camera every week, and get heaps of suscribers and likes... i want to be more..


"come in" Professor Johnson calls out

"Im so so sorry im late" a sweet, familiar voice huffs.


"take a seat. its your first day" Johnson smiles

her eyes trail around the room looking for a seat and when they land on the empty space next to me, she looks over to me and her eye brows raise in surprise. i smirk as she makes her way over.

"Hey Sarah" i grin

"wha- remember me?" she asks, sitting down. she opens her notebook and takes out a pen before looking back over to me

"of course. You're the first girl who has rejected me" i chuckle

"im sorry. i didnt mean to come accross rude, its just that there was alot going on" she frowns

"its totally okay. it was weird for me to just ask you like that" i smile

"so why are you here?" she asks

"i want to be bigger" i grin


"YouTube" i say, in a 'duh tone

"you're on YouTube?"



is she serious?

"you havent heard of me?"

"no..should i?"

"i don't know. just most people already do" i chuckle

"JacksGap right?"

"thats it"

"im gunna look you up" she smirks

"a new fan? great!"

"who says im gunna be a fan?"

"everyones a fan of JacksGap sweetheart. its 5 minutes you're never gunna get back"



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