chapter 4 -By the way, That's Sam, Caspar and Finn..My twin. Lol wut.

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"so you will come but you won't wear a dress?" i ask, raising an eyebrow

"pretty much" Layla chuckles

"come onnn. why not?"


"because why?"

"well...i don't really suit them" she says, looking up and frowning

i scoff "puh-lease! do you know how beautiful you are?"

"im not"

"i have this really cute dress....its a dress you have to wear tights underneath.." i smirk

she sighs and looks down at her hands before mumbling a "fine"

"YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY" i jump around the room happily "what size are you?"

"12" she says

"ooh! me too!" i grin "okay so this is it" i pull out a grey dress with thick straps and a bow in the middle, it was short so you had to wear leggings or something underneath but still very pretty.

"thankyou" she blushes

"for?" i ask

"this...usually i would be wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt"

"aw its fine. i will be right back okay? i think i left my dress at Travs dorm" i sigh

"Trav? is he your boyfriend?"

i laugh "no! hes like my brother" i chuckle

"oh okay" she laughs

"i will be back" i smile

"okay" i walk over to the boys dorm, getting a few smiles from the hot guys down there

"Travis! Im coming in!" i open the door and scream

"Oh hey Sarah" Jack chuckles "what are you doing here?" he asks.

"wheres Trav?" i ask. there was 3 other guys sitting in the room, all with no shirts on.. and one of them looked like Jacks twin..

"he went to get food, why?" he asks

"i left my dress in his suitcase" i mumble, wlaking over to it and searching through it.

condoms, shirts. boxers, condoms, socks, undies..

"dress!" i grin at my accomplishment

"what are you doing?" Jack the second asks me

"getting my dress" i say in a duh tone


"shes coming to our party"

"oh fun" the guiy with black hair winks

"Sarah, this is Casper" Jacks motions towards blondie "sam" he motions to the guy with black hair "and this is my twin Finn"

"oh hey" i smile "is it okay if my dorm buddie comes? she kinda needs a night out"

"fine by me" Jack shrugs "Finn?"

"im okay with it" he smiles, winking at me aswell. i blush and mumble a thanks

"Oh hey Sarah" Travis grins, walking in "what are you doing here?"

"dress" i point to my dress in my hands "does this look okay?" i ask them all, putting the dress up to me body

"hot" Sam winks

"i think you should hang around me at the you can look as hot standing next to me" Caspar says. is he a stoner or something?

"it looks beautiful" Finn grins

"thanks" i grin "im gunna go straighten my hair"

"i will see you at the party?" Jack asks

"sure" i smile "so i can beat you at chugging a drink" i smirk before walking out.

tonight is going to be fuuun

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