Chapter 29 - Not like this

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Do you ever get that feeling like you're doing something wrong? That you shouldn't be doing something, or being somewhere you shouldn't be? What about guilt? The heaviness in your chest that makes you want to scream?

That's how I ended up here. Sitting in the streets of LA waiting for my...friend

My friend named Finn.


So you're probably wondering how we got here, right? How Finn is now just my..friend? Let me start from the start.

3 hours earlier.

"Which one?" I ask Finn, holding the two dresses up to my body. One was a tight black one that showed all my curves, and the other was a cute white one that had no straps. They were both pretty, I wanted to wear both. 

"The black one" he nods, propping himself onto his elbows, smirking.

I nodded, while putting the white one back into the cupboard. We were going to some restaurant that Finn booked for, and apparently it was pretty fancy. I didn't know what type of resturant it was, i just know that i should wear a dress.

Finn was wearing a black long sleeved button up and a pair of dark wash jeans. His hair was perfectly styled, and I have to admit, he looked hot.

"Do you think Jack will be okay?" I ask casually "he seemed really tired earlier" I say as I step into the bathroom. I actually wanted to know if Finn knew anything about Jack and Layla's fight. I wanted to know, but Layla is mad at the world and i've been avoiding Jack.

"He should be fine" I hear Finn call "He was asleep on the couch about 3 hours ago"

I sigh and sit on the edge of the bath. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to see how this plays out. Finn wants Layla and Jack to work out, but I don't think I can sit there and watch them try. I have to though, because if i don't, it will look suspicious. I mean, how will it look? I don't want to go to dinner for some weird reason. 

"Babe, you done?" Finn calls "I need to comb my hair" I snap out of my thoughts and check the clock on the ipod doc sitting next to the shower. I had been sitting in here for ten minutes already and I haven't even changed. Crap. 

"Just a sec!" I call, quickly pulling off my shirt. I step into the dress and slide my mini shorts off. Once i did that, I opened the door and say "Zip me up?" I ask Finn. He was standing by the door, typing on his phone 

"Sure" He smiles, putting down his phone and zipping it up. He kissed me on the neck and I sighed. Why does this all of a sudden feel so wrong? It didn't feel wrong until I realised just how much I loved Jack, and now I feel like i'm cheating on him. For heck sake! we aren't even going out. Remember that Sarah, you're still with his twin. 

I had previously done my make up and hair, so i just needed to get my shoes. I grabbed a pair of black gladiators from my suitcase and sat on the bed. What was I doing? I'm messing up everything.

I needed to end things with Finn. It doesn't matter if Jack doesn't love me, I can't keep leading Finn on. I can't pretend anymore. It's not fair to Finn or myself. 

"Lets go" Finn grins, grabbing his phone off the desk next to the bathroom door that he had previously put down to zip my dress up. He seems so happy...

We walked downstairs and Jack was sitting on the couch in a casual white t-shirt and a red plaid shirt over it. He had dark wash jeans on and his hair was styled almost perfectly. He was hot to say to the least, but he still looked stressed. Not tired anymore -because he slept literally all day- just stressed. 

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