Chapter 34 - Holy shit what

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"And, we're back" I sighed, plopping my suicase onto the floor, next to my neatly made bed. Layla sighed and collapsed onto her own bed. 

"Yep" She sighed "Back to working our asses off" She muttered. We said goodbye to Finn about 10 minutes ago, who was driving back to Leeds to his university. Jack and Travis were in their dorms, probably asleep. It was like 2am, but I couldn't be sure. I was too tired to check.

"I miss everyone" I frowned, as the silence got to my head. The last week, it hadn't, under any circumstances been quiet. While we were at Sams, there was always a few people still awake while you were trying to sleep, and in Vegas we just didn't sleep until we passed out. 

"Me too" Layla mumbled from her pillow "although I'm enjoying the quiet" She said slowly. i could tell as she spoke that she was falling asleep. I sighed and turned around to face the window, deciding it wouldn't be very nice to keep her awake. 

i missed Jacks touch. These last few nights have been incredibly warm and comfortable with Jack hugging me close as we lied next to eachother. Nothing was ever said, but we both knew it's what we wanted. 

I rolled over again and stared at the cealing. Thats a nice cealing.. 

I squeezed my eyes shut and decided to start thinking about a million gold fish swimming in a fish tank, but then my mind wondered to Jack...


I thought my cravings for him would have died down now that I'm with him..

Clearly not. 

I sighed and sat up in bed. He wouldn't mind if I crept into his bed, would he? He probably would.. 

I shook my head and stood up from bed. Who cares I thought. I grabbed one of my sweaters and pulled on my trackies before tiptoeing out of mine and Laylas dorm and out to the cool night. I could see my breathe, which was cool. I've always been fascinated by that. 

Once I reached his dorm room, I turned the door knob slowly and crept towards his bed "Jack" I whispered. He continued to sleep face first into the pillow, so i tapped him "Jack" I said a little louder. He moved slightly, so I tapped him again. 

"Hm?" He mumbled, opening one eye and looking at me.

"I-uh..I" What do I say now? Of course he doesn't want me in here! You're an idiot Sarah, god dammit! 

"get in here, it's cold!" He scoffed, pulling one of the doona sides open. I smiled sheepishly and crawled into his warm bed. Amediately I felt comfortable. "You're freezing" He whispered in my ear, as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I cuddled into his bare chest and sighed in content. 

This is all I wanted. 


"Where did you get to last night?" Layla asked as she joined me at the breakfast table. I sipped some more of my juice before placing it on the table, next to my cereal. 

"I went to Jacks dorm" I shrugged. She nodded in understanding and bit into her toast. 

Need to talk, it's important -J x

I frowned at my phone. What does that mean? I looked up at Layla who was giving me a confused look. 

"What?" She asked, staring back and fourth between my face and the phone in my hand

"Need to talk, it's important -J" I quoted. She relaxed a little bit and continued to eat her toast "What does that mean?" I panicked. Was he breaking up with me? Does he have STDs? 

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