Chapter 1 -Shopping!

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"Sarah! Come on! We have to get our books!" Travis calls out

"yeah yeah" i chuckle, walking out of my bedroom and out to the livingroom "i was changing my shirt" i grumble. Travis had just spilled coffee all over my favourite shirt so i wasnt exactly happy.

"i already said i would buy you a new one" he sighs "come On! We have Uni stuff to get!" he grabs my hand and drags me out to the car

Travis was my bestfriend of 15 years. I am 18 years old, so yes, we have known eachother basically our whole lives.

My long, auburn coloured hair, blew loosely accross my face as i ran through the wind to get to Trav's car.

"i cant wait to get a new camera!" he squeals. I couldnt help but laugh

"Travis, dont you have like 10 already?"

"11 actually"

Travis and I were both starting university in about 3 weeks and we were both excited.

Like everything else, we have decided to attend the same one. Travis was studying cameras, and i was studying journalism and entertainment. Maybe one day travis could film me doing an interview for entertainment. I dont know.

"can i have one?"

"no! Each and every one of them have special memories"

"you mean nudes?" i laugh


"im joking Trav. chill"

Jacks POV

"where are you going?" Finn asks me, taking a bite of an apple and jumping onto the counter.

"meeting Sam at the shops. We're gunna do a video" i explain, shoving my phone into my pocket and grabbing my car keys

"what are you doing this week?" he asks, his mouth full of apple. Attractive Finn, very...attractive.

"awkward elevator situations" i grin

"oh jesus" he laughs. If you don't know already. Finn is my twin brother, but he's the older one by 2 minutes so technically he's my slave. (A/N: inside joke if you haven't seen his video)

Ting ting!

Sam: Hurry up !

Me: Im on my way

"i have to go"

"mhm. Bye"

I run out and hop into my car, then drive to the shopping centre. im keen for this video. i haven't made a video for my fans in a couple weeks which i deeply regret. oh. remind me to open my fan mail later.

"Sam!" i call out

"oh. Hey" he grins, getting his camera set up. "you ready?"

"sure am"

"great" he grins "leggo!"

I laugh and press the alevator button

We get in, and luckily we're the only ones in there so we tape the camera to the best place possible and press record.

The doors soon open again and a whole bunch of people walk through

"ELLO GUYS. WE'RE JUST GUNNA TAKE A TRIP UP TO LEVEL 3 FIRST. IM TOBY AND IM YOUR LIFT ASSISTANT" Sam rambles. I try really hard not to laugh. what an idiot.

"why are you talkin' like that?" a girl asks

"i am the lift assistant ma'am"

"no you're not" she laughs, obviously confused.

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