Chapter 18 -Jayla date. Aw cute.

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Layla's POV

"I hope he likes it" I mumble, looking at myself in the mirror. I wore a dark purple -almost black- dress, with black stilettos. My hair was down and parted in the middle, flowing over my shoulders. I was happy with my appearance..I hope Jack is too.

"He will" Sarah chuckles, flicking through her magazine "trust me"

I sigh. I trust Sarah she's like my sister.

But things have been pretty weird lately..since I got together with Jack. It's almost as if she's jealous.. I mean, she has Finn so I don't see why she would be?

I don't know. I just hope the play they are doing won't be a love one or something...I'm actually surprised when I found out -from a classmate- that they were in a group..they're fighting aren't they?

And why was it Jessica that told me first and not Jack or Sarah?

Maybe they just wanted to pretend it never happened.

Yeah I'm probably right. Plus, i have a date in five minutes with Jack.

This will be..good. Yes. Good.

"Don't you think it's a bit short?" I continue. Oh great, insecure Layla is coming back.

Come to think of it, I didn't really need to go through a process of changing.. One day I just woke up and decided I'm gonna wear shorts..Weird right? Most girls would taje time..but i don't know, i kinda just decided.

"It's perfect" Sarah sighs, putting the magazine down and walking over to me. She put both her hands on my shoulders and said "you look beautiful" i couldn't help but chuckle at her. Bossy much Rahh?

"Thanks" I smile. She grins at me and pulls me into a hug. Sarah is so boney, you would think she could suck at hugs right? Wrong. She gives the best hugs ever. 

"Is this your first date ever?"

I hesitate before nodding "don't tell anyone though okay? They don't need to know. Especially if the date goes really horribly"

"Okay" she nods understandingly "but it will go great" she adds quickly. 

I chuckle. Sarah is really something.. She has this originality about her that makes everyone automatically love her. Like, when I met her, she made me smile in the first five minutes. She's honestly an amazing person, I hope this doesn't come between us...I still don't think she's one hundred percent okay with me dating Jack..I don't know.

Knock knock

Oh shit

He's here.

What do I do now?! Do I open the door? Do I hold his hand? What if I eat something that makes my breath smell and he doesn't want to kiss me?

What am I even talking about? He's my boyfriend. Duh!

"He's waiting" Sarah sings from her bed. I think she wants to hide from him. 

"I know" I take a deep breath and open the door"hi" I grin at my boyfriend. He grinned back


Not too formal but it wouldn't be something you wore to a park or somewhere..

"Hi" He says back

He was wearing dark blue jeans, a white T-shirt with a black buttoned up shirt over the top, his hair was perfectly done and his eye brows are raised.

Wait what?

"Finished checking me out?" He smirks, eye brows still as high as possible. Oh..Maybe i shouldn't openly check him out..awkward

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