Chapter 12 -Yo Finn, What are we?

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Dancing. That's all I've been doing for about an hour now.

Layla was off with some random hot guy, and I honestly had no idea where the rest were. Except Finn..he was standing right infront of me, dancing to the beat of Ke$ha's die young. It was a pretty good song.

I'm not going to lie. I was wasted. Not so much that I couldn't understand my surroundings, but enough to be able to grind against my..boyfriend?


Dating partner?

What are me and Finn? Are we in a relationship or not? I mean, we cuddle and he acts coupley around me, but he hasn't actually asked me..

Being my drunken self, I ask him.

"Finn!" I shout over the music. He stops dancing and looks at me

"Yes?" He asks, smiling at me slightly. Damn him and that smile.

"What are we?"

"What?" He looks shocked, like he wasn't expecting that to be asked.

"Are we in a relationship or..?"

"I honestly don't know" he informs me.

I sigh and speak again "what do you want to be?"

He smirks and steps closer to me "you wanna know what I want to be? Hm..maybe an elephant.."

I laugh and slap him on the chest "I'm serious!"

"Okay, okay. Honestly though, I want to be your...boyfriend" He says, shying away slightly. I would have said things just got awkward if it was anyone else, but because its Finn, I'm not worried.

I grin, only just registering what he said. He wants to be my boyfriend? Mine? "Ask me" I state.

He chuckles "ask what?"

"To be your girlfriend!" I say in a duh tone.

"Sarah, will you be my Girlfriend?" He smirks. As if on queue, someone pushes me, forcing my lips to be only inches away from his.

"Yes" I whisper, grinning before I run my fingers up the back of his neck, and into his hair, pulling him closer to me. We kiss for the second time ever, and I must say, apart from being crushed up against a heap of sweating drunk people, and the smell of strong alcohol, it was just as good as the first.



I have to tell her. I have to tell her I love her.

I pull away from Chloe and sigh.

Something wrong?" She asks.

I lightly push her off my lap and mumble "I need air" before getting up and walking away from the couch, I was just kissing Chloe on only moments ago. I don't know why i was. Sarah has been on my mind since she went on a date with my brother, and i needed to take my mind off of it, and not to mention i was pissed to the limit.

No, I'm not going to get air. I'm going to go tell the girl I love, my feelings for her. Right now. I don't care that I'm pissed or that she's kind of in a relationship with my twin brother. No, I don't care. I love her.

As I push through the tons of people on the dance floor, I saw her.. As beautiful as ever -like always.

And that's just about when my world came crashing down. She got pushed by some buff guy, causing her to be only centimetres away from my brother. She whispered something before grabbing his head and kissing him.

What am I doing?

Was I really just about to go tell Sarah that I loved her? I mean, yeah, I do. But was I really going to do that to my brother?

It's quite clear she has feelings for my brother anyways..

It's probably just the alcohol in my body.

Damn. I need to get laid. Now.



As I wake up, I feel pressure on my Stomach.

I peel my eyes open and smile at Finn's arm wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest.

I try to get up but his grip tightens on me and he mumbles in my ear "don't leave"

"I have to" I whisper "you have to get out of the girls dorm rooms!" I hiss, finally coming to my senses.

The number one rule. No sleeping with the opposite sex while on campus

"Hell with the rules" he grins, still not opening his eyes. He chuckles a little before saying "please?"


"That's a stupid rule anyways. We're adults. This isn't highschool, they should trust all of you more. Plus, I'm a guest"

"Fine" I groan, flopping back onto the bed. Partly because of the throbbing hangover I currently have, and partly because I really liked the feeling of him being so close to me.

"Yay" he says quietly, kissing me on the head. I smile and put my Head on his chest, listening to his heart beat




"Boomboom......boomboom" I mumble quietly.

"What are you doing?" He laughs

"I'm listening to your heart beat. Hush"

His chest vibrates in laughter but I ignore him, continuing to listen to his chest.

"OH GUYS! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" Layla screams, walking into the room.

I give her a dry look before saying "we have clothes on, idiot"  

Well I was wearing his T-shirt and he had no shirt on, but we were still dressed.

Don't worry, nothing happened last night. After the party, we came back here together and literally just fell asleep.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure" she shrugs, still smiling. Someone is happy...

"Where were you last night?" I smirk, getting up and sitting on her bed.

"Put some pants on!" She groans. This time she was being serious..well, I was wearing a dress last night, and I didn't want to grab pants when I came back, so just chucked on Finn's shirt...

"Don't circle around the question missy!" I narrow my eyes at her. Finn was asleep again. His face in the pillows. It was cute, because his arms where crossed too.

"Fine" she mumbles, sitting on the bed herself, after putting her dress in the laundry basket 

"So" I grin "where were you?"

"I..was guys dorm room?" She blushes.

"YOU WHAT?!" I shriek happily. I heard her right didn't I?

"Shh! You will wake up Finn!" She hisses. I look over at my boyfriend and shrug. He hasn't moved.

"What did you do at this guys dorm room?" I grin

"We..uh.. We know" she blushes, obviously shy about saying the word.

"Who was the guy?" I ask.

"Promise you won't hate me?" She mumbles, looking shy.

"Why would I hate you? Tell me!"

" was Jack..."

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