Chapter 26 - Finn finn the better twin

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"Caspar!" I squeal, running into the blonde kids arm. He chuckled and hugged me back. I missed these guys!

"Hello" he grinned, his South African accent clear in his voice. I couldn't help but smile at him. He smiled back and showed the creases in his cheeks

"How have you been?" I ask, poking one of the creases. I couldn't help it., It was just too tempting

"Pretty good" He nods "I moved to Londond with Alfie last weekend" He grinned, running his fingers though his hair. His hair was slightly wet from the sweat and I chuckled. it was so hot here compared to the snow in London.

"Alfie is here?" I ask. I instantly became excited. They're all here. Not even being at Sams place for two hours, and I'm already friends with most of the YouTube gang.

"Yeah, he's around here somewhere" He shrugs "I'm gonna go see Maz" He says, stepping around me and walking over to Maz

We were all currently at Sam's house. We've all just been chilling around the house and waiting for the others to come over. I've made pretty good friends with the ones here. Like Dan and Phil, and Kian and Cyr. 

Basically everyone was here. We're just waiting for Marcus and Zoe, and Finn who should be showing up later tonight. We were picking him up from the airport tonight then going out to nandos for dinner

"I have to meet him now" I inform Caspar, even though he wasn't standing there anymore.I walked into the kitchen where Sam was and to none of my surprise, Alfie and Cyr (a/n: lol is his name actually cyr? idk i dont watch him..tell me in the comments okay!) were standing next to him. They were both laughing loudly at something and I couldn't help but feel like an intruder

"Sarah!" Sam grins "I was wondering when you were going to come in and meet Alfred here" He chuckles, matting Alfie roughly on the back. 

I grin at Alfie, and he grins back, swatting Sam's hand away "So you're the Sarah everyone keeps talking about eh?" He smirks

"That's me..I think" I chuckle, walking over and taking Sam's red bull. He glares a me, and I just wink back, before sitting on the bench they were all standing around. My feet dangled and I couldnt help but laugh at my bad nail polish job.

"When is Zoe getting here?" I ask no one in particular, taking a gulp of the red bull. I could feel my energy growing already. This stuff was really good. Unhealthy, but good.

"Soon" Sam says "Her and Marcus should be here soon" he tells me. 

"Missing your feminine side, are we? Cyr chuckles, standing next to my legs. 

I glare playfully at him "I never lost my feminine side, thanks" I inform him, kicking him in the leg. I was aiming for his..thing..but my legs are too long. Damn them.

He cocks an eyebrow as his eyes trail down my body. I blush when I realise I was wearing Finns shirt and Sam's beanie. I was wearing guys clothes, of course he's going to think I've lost my feminine side. I mentally face palm. 

"Don't let Finn see you eying her like that" Sam smirks, bumping shoulders with the dark headed boy.

"Like what?" Cyr asks, trailing his eyes over to Sam. He doesn't say anything in reply, instead he winks.

"WHERE'S THIS AMAZING SARAH I KEEP HEARING ABOUT" Someone holla's from the room next door. It was a female voice.


"In Here Zoe" Sam calls out "be prepared. She might pounce" He jokes, winking at me as he steals his red bull back.

"Zoe?" I grin hopefully, jumping off the bench. She grins mischievously at me as she walks in, then gives me a massive hug. 

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