Chapter 20 -What just happened?

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guys asdfghjkl i couldn't wait to not do the play,plus, i kind of got writers block to do inbetween that, so, anyways, im skipping a couple of days and going straight to the play! :)) 

Also, i haven't read Romeo and Juilet, so um..i just found a quote on a website that has to do with kissing so yeah i don't know if they actually kiss then haha anyways, it's a fanfic, so who cares!


Nervous was an understatement

Ha. Nervous? What is that? I bet it feels better than the situation i'm in right now. Am I really about to go and kiss Jack? My boyfriend's twin? 

Oh jesus. 

"Sarah, Jack" Proffessor grunts, motioning us to the front of the class. Most people were dressed up, but me and Jack didn't bother.. Probably not good for our marks but whatever. I didn't have time to go looking for something that Juliet would wear. Plus, she was thirteen! and it was like the fifteenth century or whatever.. I don't know okay? 

Jack stood in one spot in the room, and looked at me expectantly. I sighed and walked over to him too. 

And then we began. 

Jack went through his lines, saying it all so formally -in which i returned. We continued to stand infront of eachother and say our lines, while looking into eachothers eyes. It was...deep. He looked into my eyes and so desperately, like he never wanted to let go of my waist. He was so into it, almost s if he wasn't acting... He is a bloody good actor. 

The kiss was coming up. I remember Michael constantly saying This is the part where you kiss. After counting to ten, you bow and walk away damn kid was peeving me off. He's actually a year older than us but whatever. He was lanky and short so he is younger in my eyes.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Jack says, loud and clearly, but also so gently, so..beautifully..

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss" i reply, just as formally. I was getting pretty good at this accent, i gotta admit..

"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer."

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."

"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged."

"Then have my lips the sin that they have took."

"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again."

"You kiss by the book.” 

That was it. We have to kiss now. Oh my god, am I really doing this? Am i really going to kiss Jack?  

Too late. 

Jacks lips slammed onto mine. At first it was a still kiss -Which what i was supposed to be- But for some reason; and i don't know why, but i started kissing him. Like, actually kissing him. Toung kissing him. He didn't stop me, instead his arms tensed around my torso as he kissed back, tightening the grip he had on me.  

I raised my hand to his cheek, and let my fingers brush against his soft skin. Wow, his cheeks were soft.

My finger trailed down his jaw...

Then his chest..

i could feel the 6 pack under the white button up shirt.  I just want to rip it off of him righ- Hold up!

I'm kissing Jack- no scratch that. I'm making out with Jack. Infront of our drama class. How...Awkward!

It was supposed to be a ten second still kiss. 


This is no way in hell a still kiss, and i swear it's passed ten seconds. Probably more like 50 seconds!

What am i doing?!

What is he doing?!

We hate eachother!

Okay so i have to admit, the last couple of days of practicing, we've become frenemies. I don't..hate him anymore.. but i'm still mad.

Okay, i'm not even mad anymore, but he doesn't need to know that just yet. 

Damn it! i'm still kissing my boyfriends twin!


I force myself to push hard on Jacks chest, letting him know to stop. He obviously gets the memo when he quickly pulls away and steps back, breathing heavily. 

His eyes widen and looks at me, as if to say what just happened? i gulp, before turning around to the rest of the class. Some had smirks, some had glares -Mostly the young girls...and a guy? but most of them were in utter shock. 

"Uh-h that's it" Jack coughs, his voice was croaky, and he looked flushed. I mumble a thank you and walk outside, where we will enter again in 5 minutes. Every act has done it so far, it was part of the way Professor set up the staging. 

"What was that?!" Michael growls "I. Said. Still kiss! for ten seconds! not a french kiss for 2 minutes!" He rambles. I gulp, feeling extremely guilty for Michaels marks -Because he will probably lose marks because of us- but mostly Layla and Finn. 

I can't believe what just happened. 

I turn around to look at Jack, but he was already walking down the hall at a fast pace. 

Where was he going?

Jacks POV

What did i just do? 

I just kissed Sarah. This isn't exceptable! I have a girlfriend! 

What is Layla going to think? She is going to be heart broken! I like her..I honestly do..But..My feelings for Sarah aren't going away either..I love her. Still. 

What about my brother? He is going to kill me! He's going to feel so betrayed. If I just left her alone, none of this would of happened! i would of been in another group, and she would still hate me for god knows what reason, and everything would be fine!

"I'm such an idiot!" I growl, punching the hallway wall. Jesus that hurt like a bitch! 

You deserve it

I have to tell Layla. I have to tell her i kissed Sarah. I hope Sarah tells Finn. I mean, he's going to be mad, but it's Finn. No one can lie to him. Especially not me. If she doesn't tell him, then i will. 

I hope he doesn't hate me. 

 What have i done? 




so they kissed... I can't believe it! :OOOOO 

Lol jk that was my plan.. anyways, so how do you feel about Jack still having feelings for Sarah, but  also liking Layla? 

Also, how do you guys feel about me adding Alfie and Marcus and Dan and Phil and everyone in for a little while? I don't know when i will, but i might...Comment and tell me if it's a good idea or not okay? Okay! 

Comment, Vote, Faaan! 

35 votes before i update :) 

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