Chapter 38 - 3 years

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~3 years later~

I couldn't believe where I was standing right now. I had made it. I was about to graduate from University and actually start my life. Properly. None of this part time stuff anymore, an actual true career. Well, I get to start searching for a career anyway.

"Sarah Williams" My name was called. I grinned and stood up to collect my scroll as the crowd cheered and clapped for me. I walked towards the tall man standing on stage and shook his hand as I grabbed the piece of wrapped paper out of his other. I couldn't be more happier as I spotted my mother in the crowd, looking up at me with proud eyes.

I took a seat next to the random guy next to me, and turned around to look behind me. Layla was sitting there, her now short hair just touching her shoulders as she grinned back at me. I gave her a small thumbs up before turning around again. 

"These students have all been here for four years, and today it's time for us to say fairwell and goodluck" The man cheered. Everyone clapped again, and I couldn't help but feel ontop of the world. I made it. 

There was a few more speaches before we were told to throw our hats up in the air and were dismissed from the campus forever. 

I ran up to my best friend Travis and jumped into his arms "We made it!" I squealed as he spun me around. Confetti was falling from the roof, as he laughed and put me back on my own two feet. 

"Hands off my man" Layla laughed, bouncing over to us. She planted a short kiss on Travis' lips before grabbing his hand and grinning at me. Layla and Travis are now in a relationship, if you haven't guessed already. Not long after Jack left, Layla started to develop feelings for him. They've been together ever since and will be getting married in a week. Time goes so fast, right?

"Guys!" Ryan said excitedly. He was in a black suit and had a red tie on to match our graduation gowns. "You did it!" He grinned. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Because Ryan had moved here after us, he still had to complete the next year. Travis, Layla and I, on the other hand. Just graduated. 

"Can we go get some food? I'm hungry" I whined

"I'm hungryMy three best friends mocked. I pushed Ryan lightly, who was the closest to me and laughed. 

We decided not to go to the after party until later. People will be doing toasts for the next hour anyway, so we ditched that part and chose to go eat mc Donalds instead. I couldn't stop the bounce in my step as we walked the doors of the dirty resaurant and ordered our food.

"So," I spoke up, chewing hungrily into four chips at once. "Next week, eh?" I smirked. Layla grinned and rested her head on Travis' shoulder 

"You're okay with it, right?" Layla asked. Ever since Travis proposed, Layla has constantly been asking me if I'm okay with it as if I'm going to declare my undenying love for him. Yeah, No thanks. Travis is a good best friend, nothing else. 

I gave her a dry look before saying "Seriously Lay, It's fine!" I chuckled 

She nodded hesitantly before going back to eating her meal. "Sarah, Travis and I need to tell you something" She said. I looked back and forth between my two best friends as I waited to hear what they had to say. Was it good? Was it bad?

"Jacks coming to the wedding" 

My heart literally stopped working for about ten seconds as I processed what they were saying. Ever since I left Jack at the airport, he hasn't called me or even texted me. I know I said i didn't want to talk to him for a year -and trust me, it helped a lot- but I was hoping that he'd call after that year was up. He didn't and it was kind of like a slap in the face. I realised then that I had lost him forever and it was my fault. I was upset for a while after that, but i got over it. 

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