chapter 8- Let's start with A game of 21 Questions

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"eighteen, Favourite Mythical creature?" I ask, smirking at Finn's confused face as he thinks and drives at the same time.

"what sort of questions are these?" he laughs "i don't know, Unicorn?"

"Mine too!" i laugh "okay okay your turn"

"Favourite youtuber?" he smirks.

"What? Youtuber? The only one ive heard of that arent part of your little group is Jeydon Wale or hunter or whatever" i say. I remember my cousin showing me one of his videos back in 2010. He is actually pretty funny..

"whos that?" he laughs "Mine has got to be Caspar. hashtag Fasper for life! holla!" i burst out laughing. Faspar? what is that? is that their names put together?

"Whats Faspar?" i giggle. I really wanna know okay?

"Thats our ship name!" he says in a duh tone

"Ship?" okay now im even more confused

"Mine and Caspars name put togeher" he chuckles "Cas made it up" he shrugs "your turn!"

"that was my question" i laugh "your turn!"


"Rats" i shiver "they are disgusting and hairy and ew!" i shake my head in grossness. if thats even a word. Grossness? what the hell.

he smirks and nods

"What about you?" i ask

"Jacks lizard. Sid" he says, scruntching his nose up. He's so cute when he does that!

"He had a lizard?"

"He did, but when he started Uni, he had to be rehomed because Sid needs full attention and Jack couldnt give him that"

"oh" i frown "thats really sad"

"yeah" he chuckles "sad" he says sarcastically "more like hallelujah" he laughs "Im joking. The dragon wasnt that bad. just creeped me out. i hated holding him yano" he says, shaking his body to get the image out of his head.

"Yeah" i laugh "i understand" i grin "so..are you gonna get me where we're going now?" i ask

"Nope" he grins. i frown. "we're like around the corner"

"But we're in the middle of the forest..You arent secretly a murderer who wants to kill me are you?" i ask, joking obviously.

"No" he chuckles "who would want to kill  someone so beautiful?" i smiles, looking over to me

i blush at that, and turn away so he doesnt see my heated cheeks.

"theres no point in that. I already see the blush on your cheeks" he laughs "i made you blushhh i made you blusshhh" he sings.

"Oh hush you" i smirk "Don't make me tell Jack that you hate his cooking!"

"what can i say? he sucks at cooking" he laughs "We arent actually going in the forest, we're going to a centre thats aound here" he says

"Why are we going to a centre?" i ask, confused. Why would he take me to a centre?

"You'll see" he smirks

i wait a few minutes, waiting for him to park. There were a few people walking in, so i assume its pretty big.

"You like music right?" he asks

"yeah? why?" i ask, now im really confused. Are we going to listen to music?

"This is only the first part of out date okay? so, if you dont like this im sorry" he chuckles. We hop out of the car, and he grabs my hand, leading me in the same direction as the other people.

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