Chapter 40 - The wedding, the end, goodbye

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Sarahs bridesmaid dress is on the side

Today is the day...The day that two of my best friends say I do to one another, and the day that I say goodbye to them both. Well, not forever, but definitely for a couple of months while they're on the honeymoon, I organised. 

"Could you zip me up?" Layla asked, stepping out of the dressing room. I gasped at the way that she was presented. Her dress was white and had speghetti straps. It was a long, thin dress, showing off her body until it reached the bottom where it flowed out. 

"Sure" I smiled, keeping the tears from coming out. "I can't believe it, you're actually getting married!" I squealed. She took a deep breath, and turned around once I zipped her up. She looked worried, but I knew she was just scared. 

"Sarah" She sighed "I know inviting jack to stay at the house was wrong, but I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for you both" She told me. "I honestly had no idea he had a girlfriend, and trust me, if I knew I would never have offered it....I just wanted you to be as happy as I was" She sighed. 

I held back an aww as I stared at my best friend. "Layla, seriously, I'm over him" I chuckled, thinking back to the moment Jack and I had in my bedroom. I'm so not over him. 


"No, this is your day. We're not talking about my horrible relationship problems right now" I told her, grinning at her annoyed face. She huffed before muttering something under her breath that I couldn't quite pick up.

"One thing" She swallowed "Are you and Ryan actually together? Because I honestly didn't see that coming, I mean, you guys are like siblings or something" She pointed out. I laughed and shook my head. 

"No, we aren't. It was Ryans idea to get jack jealous, but it's not really working because he doesn't care" I lied. I knew it was taking a toll on Jack. If Ryan was home and talking to me, Jack would automatically find his way to his bedroom, or he'd walk out. He hasn't spoken to Ryan since we got here and I felt somewhat guilty.

"Smart, but pointless" She pointed out "Do you know where my sister is? She's supposed to be here with me!" She groaned. I sighed in relief that she dropped the subject. I don't think I could go with an interrogation right now.

"I think she's getting the bouquets off your mum" I told her. I remember vaguely her sister telling me that she needed to get the flowers, and I saw Layla's mum holding them earlier, so it wasn't hard to put two and two together. 

"Guys!" Carmen, her sister, yelled as if she heard us talking about her. She did infact have the flowers in her hands, which made Layla's face fall in relief. "It's time, oh my god, it's time!" She squealed. I took a nervous gulp as Layla walked towards the door excitedly.

The idea of this wedding, was that the maid of honor and the best man would walk down the aisle together, first, and then the bidemaids and groomsmen, and then Layla and her father. Travis would already be standing at the top. 

Travis, being a dick he is, decided it would be a great idea to make Jack his best man, considering they haven't seen eachother in so long, which made me mentally shoot myself in the head. 

I sighed heavily before walking out of the dressing room and into the little back area of the church. There were two doors, and I knew behind them was where everyone is sitting, waiting for Layla to walk out. I scanned the small area in search for Jack, and soon found him in the back corner. He has a suit on, and his hair was styles perfectly. 

I can't believe I let him go.

"You look nice" I told him, as I made my way to the spot next to him. He jumped slightly, as if he was in deep thought and didn't realise I was there. He didn't answer me as his eyes scanned up and down my body. The bridesmaids dresses were a baby pink kind of colour. They were strapless and had a fluffy netting at the bottom. I have to admit, Layla chose well. 

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