Chapter 33 - Party and some Jarah cuteness

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"So, Layla, tell me, who is this Logan guy?" I smirked, taking a sip of the drink that Jack handed me. Everyone looked at Layla waiting for her response. We were all at some bar down the road from our hotel, having a few drinks before going to some nice club across town. Tonight was our last night here and I was kind of sad about it. So much happened on this holiday.

She shrugged "No one special really" She tells us "He was just a one off thing, i don't think i'll be seeing him again" I was shocked. usually she takes every guy to heart, but this? I have to say I'm kinda liking this Layla. I mean, yeah obviously I'll love her either way, but still. 

It turns out this Logan guy was the guy that tried to chat me up that night. I actually laughed when I saw him sneaking out of her hotel room. Not sure why he was sneaking though..It's a hotel. Maybe she warned him about her twenty odd friends that were i n the same building, I don't know.

"Wheres Finn?" Maz spoke up, looking around the table. 

"He's with his new friend" I smirked. I wasn't lying. He was meeting up with the girl he was with that  night, and going out to some party she invited him to. Apparently she's from just outside of Vegas but is here for this special party tonight. 

"He must like her" Jack grins "He doesn't usually see one nighters again" He chuckled. I smiled at my new boyfriend and just took in that exact thought. My new boyfriend. Finally. He seemed so much happier now that we're together. So that probably sounded really self centred but it was the honest truth. He's been over the moon since the day before yesterday, and come to think of it..So have I. 

"We go home tomorrow" I sigh. Jack put his arm around me and gave me one of them awkward side kind of hugs. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. 

"It's been a pretty amazing holiday" He grinned. 

"I wouldn't say Amazing" Sam laughed "More like eventful" we all laughed and soon decided to head out. We were hitting a big club tonight, making our last night, a night to never forget. I was excited to say the least. Every night we'd been drinking and having fun, but I'd never really hold back. Tonight I wanted to actually remember, so my plan was to not get off my face. 

You're probably wondering but Sarah it's not fun if you're not wasted! which is probably right, but if I was going to remember a night, I couldn't get drunk. I can never remember what happened after a big night.

When we got to the club, there was a big queue out the front. I groaned. Of course it'd be like this. It's one of the biggest clubs in Vegas! Looks like we've got a long night ahead..

"C'mon" Sam ushered. We followed him to the front and awkwardly stood around while Sam spoke to the big buff guy standing infront of the entrance. It was quite a chilly night, but not too bad. 

"Yo man" Sam grinned, high fiving the buff guy "How you been, buddy?"

"Sam!" He guy laughed loudly "I've been good bro. Haven't seen you around here for a bit. Where's Sawyer and Louis?" He asked. I gave Jack a confusing look who returned the expression. Sam knew him? Maybe this night won't be a lot of waiting after all. 

"They're back in LA man" Sam said "But my friends and I just want to have a good time. Can you let us in?" 

"Sure bro" He nodded, smiling as he opened the red rope. "Just don't tell my boss" he chuckled. I grinned when Jack took my hand and pulled me though the doors. I frowned at the abuse we were getting from the people waiting outside, but pretty much forgot about it as soon as I took in my surroundings. 

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