Chapter 7- Nervous. Pfft What's that?

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"Guys..I don't know" I mumble, looking at the pretty, casual white dress I was wearing. It went about mid thigh and hair thin straps, showing the right amount of cleavage.

"Sarah, you gotta let loose" Travis
Sighs fruatratedly "we went shopping all day, and you decided to wear one of your old dresses" he grumbles

Jack gives him a is-he-okay? Look before he turns to me "You look great. My brother will be pleased" he smiles warmly.. Was a that a bit of.. Hurt..I see?

"Thankyou" I smile, blushing a little. He looks a lot like Finn...or maybe Finn looks a lot like him. I don't know.

"It's fine" he smiles back "But you better get back to your dorm. He is going to be here in 5"

"Shit. Really?" I freak out, grabbing Jacks wrist and checking the time. I did Infact only have 5 minutes to get to my dorm.

"Bye!" I shout as I run down the hall, my heels clicking together in my hand. Wow, i was nervous.. kinda.

"Layla!" i shout, bursting through my door.

Well, i wasnt expecting that.. "oh shit..Hey Finn" i blush, Looking down at my now muddy feet

"Hey" he chuckles "getting ready in the boys' room?" he asks, raising an eyebrow

"Well yeah, Travis is my fanshionista" i chuckle

"Of course" he chuckles. "My brother is pretty good at fashion too"

"Yeah, he was kinda my second opinion" i smile "hes good. i must admit" He chuckles at that. "Im just gonna go wash my feet in the bath, i will be back" i say, before walking passed him and into the bathroom. I turn the tap in the bath on and stick my feet under, letting the cold water hit them. After they seem clean, i dry them with a towel an walk back out.

"are we in any kind of rush?" i ask

"nope" he smiles, flicking through his phone as he sits on my bed. He looks at me and grins "but you look stunning"

"thanks" i mumble "lets go" i grab him by the hand and wave goodbye to Layla who was stting there, pretending to read a book but was actually perving on my date.

"She wasnt reading a book was she?" he laughs

"Nope" i laugh with him "Just checking you out"

"i could tell" he chuckles "my car is just over there" he points to a small black car.

"where are we going?" i grin

"That would ruin the surprise wouldnt it?"

"I thought we were seeing a movie?"

"well we were, but i sorta changed it up a bit. I hope you dont mind" he says, starting the car. Hes so cute when hes consentrating.

"Its fine" i shrug

"So, what type of music do you like?" he asks

"Coldplay, Maroon 5, and Good Charlotte are my mains..How about you?"

"i don't reallt have a favourite..I like all music yano"

"cool" i smile

"we've got about a 25 minute drive from the university to where i want to take you, what do you want to do on the way?"

"21 questions"


i know its shoorttttt! im sorry :( im tired and its friday so its pretty shit..i promise the next one will be better.........................................................................maybe

anyways byee

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