chapter 3 -Hi Layla, I'm Sarah

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"i would just like to thank you all for choosing this university and to give you all a warm welcome" Mrs jones finishes. "that is all. thank you"

everyone starts to file out respectfully but me, Travis and Jack wait for the giant crowd to go first

"so guys... my brother and Is party is on the you wanna come?"

"you met us today" i point out "and we're already being invited to parties?"

"well its our nineteenth and i want you to meet my twin"

"hear that Sarah? theres two of them! i hear a threesome happening!" Travis calls out jokingly. i lightly slap him on chest and glare at him

"shutup gaybo"

we start to walk out and onto the bridge we had to go over

"so will you come?"

"yeah sure..when is it?" i ask



"Sarah you have heaps"

"but they might not fit the theme!"

"there isnt a theme.. just show up ready to party" he chuckles

fine" i grumble "i havent met my dorm buddie yet" i sigh "bye guys"


as i walk up to my dorm room, a few cheerleading sluts walk passed, giving me daggers. One of them stops at me and turns her nose up "you're the one thats friends with Harries right?"


"Jack? and his new dorm buddie it hot too..Travis is it?"

"oh them? yeah what about them?"

"you're friends with them right?"

"Trav is more like a brother but yeah why?"

"can you like leave jack alone? he doesnt need some book reading nerds to hang around" she sneers

"um...for your snobby information Jack spoke to me, not the other way around. not please move i dont need your slutty germs falling onto the floor infront of my dorm room" i snarl back

"just watch your back" and at that, her and her pompom cheering friends waddle away in their 10 inch heels and 10 centimetre skirts.

why would she call me a book nerd?

i open the door and find myself joined with company.

she was...well, nerdy. she had big glasses, long blond hair and blue eyes and she held a book to her nose as she lied on her bed.

to be fair, she was honestly a very pretty girl. if she wore some natural make up to cover up the freckles on her face and wore contacts instead of the glasses, she could be very pretty..

"uh..hey" i sy awkwardly

"hi" she squeaks

"im Sarah" i smile

"Layla" she says

"what are you reading?" i ask, sitting on my bed and crossing my legs

"the chronicles of Vladimir Todd" she says, her voice gaining stregth a little bit..

"ive read them!" i say in amazement. they were the first book series id ever owned and actually got through them..


"yes! i love Heather Brewer! and i love that storyline" i chuckle

"have you completed the series?" she asks, sitting up

"yep. dont tell anyone this but i kind of gained a little crush on Vlad when i was reading them" i laugh

"oh..i thought i was the only one!" she giggles. she had a beautiful smile too.

"i cant remember...was Otis good or bad?"

"he's good but Tomas and D'Ablo were the bd guys.. and Joss was the vampire slayer but he didnt want to kill vlad" she explains

"oh yeah! did Snow end up dying? i havent read them in so long"

"no she got turned but you didnt know that until she came late to grade 12 graduation"

"oh yeah!"

"wow...i honestly couldnt have been put with a better dorm buddie" she laughs

"yeah" i smile "hey, do you want to come to a party tonight?"


okay so most of you probably have no idea what book im talking about...its called 'the chronicles of vladimir todd' and i really enjoyed it.. so if you're into all that vampire/slayer stuff i suggest you look for it.. its from heather brewer and ithink theres a few YouTube trailers for it too.. so yeah, check it out :)

alsooooo, i hope you're liking the story so far.. comment and vote pleaseeee :D tell me if you like it or not

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