chapter 5 -Let's Party! Woop!

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"I can't believe you are making me go to a party" Layla mumble, pulling down her dress.

"stop that!" i laugh "its supposed to be short. now let loose okay? lets just walk in there and have a good time okay?"

"fine" she grumbles

"lets go" i take a deep breath and walk into the house door. i amediately get flooded with the smell of alcohol and sweat, from all the people dancing. not the best smell in the world, to be honest..

"Sarah!" Finn grins, walking over to us. "how are you?"

"great" i smile "where are the drinks?" i ask. i was pretty determined to get a drink.

"in the kitchen which is straight ahead" he smiles "its great to see you look amazing"

"thanks" i blush "so do you.."

"SAREBEAAAARRRRR" Travis' voice booms through my ears. i turn around and travis is stepping away from the speakers and microphone and running over to us

"hey Trav" i laugh

"hello!" he grins. okay, someone is drunk.

"how much has he drunk?" i ask Finn

"enough for him to take over the Dj" he laughs

"whos this?" Travis slurs "is this your guuurrrlfraaan?"

"Travis this is Layla, my roomie. Layla this is Travis my bestfriend"

"hi" she blushes

"do you want to dance?" he asks "you're really cute. and that dress looks really good on you by the way. lets go" he grabs her hand and drags her onto the dance floor. surprisingly, Layla doesnt pull away, nstead she just laughs and walks over with him....weird..

"show me where the drinks are?" i ask, turning around to Finn again

"sure" he smiles. he gently grabs my hand and pulls me through the mass of people

"FINNY!" A random screams, high-fiving him

"hey Marcus" he smiles

"hey mate, whos the chick?" he asks, eyeing me.

"This is Sarah. shes one of Jacks friends"

"where is Jack by the way?"

"i dunno. probably snogging some chick upstairs" he winks

"IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN WINK WINK" Marcus finishes. i couldnt help but feel a pit of jealousy in my stomach.

"anyway, i have to get Sarah a drink. see you later?"

"sure man, bye"

"who was that?" i ask as he continues to lead me

"Marcus Butler Aye Kay Aye MarcusButlerTv on YouTube" he explains

"are all these people YouTubers?" i smirk

"sort of.. theres a few people that other people invited and a few friends aswell"

"oh. You have such a big house"

"i know" he laughs "its just up there" he points to a doorway and pulls me inside.

"what drink? we have...all of them" he laughs as he points to heaps and heaps of bottles of alcohol. i pull out a random bottle and chug it down.

"slow down. You sure you can hold your liquir?" he asks

"i think so" i chuckle "lets go dance" we go onto the dance floor and see Travis and Layla dancing, not sexily or anything just as friends.

in the middle of dancing, someone stops the music and a familiar voice booms "This is a slow song for all you cute couples" Jack says, watching me. Little Things from One Direction starts playing and Jack runs over to me "dance with me?" he asks

i look at Finn and he is slightly frowning. "sure" i smile at him. how could i say no?

Finn let goes of my hand, and Jack puts his hands on my waist. i put mine around his neck and we gently rock to the music.

after the song is over, Jack smiles at me as an upbeat song starts to play. we stay in that stance for a few minutes just staring at eachother

"that is such a cute songgg!!" Caspar bounces over "i love One Direction" he explains

i cough awkwardly a pull away

"i love them too" i laugh

"you look hot tonight!" Sam grins


"you're welcome"

"im gunna go get another drink" i smile.

Tonight was pretty fun... and i might..just might be getting a few feelings for a certain twin called Finn Harries.

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