Chapter 25 - Sam, Sam, Sam's

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"Sarah, wake up" I heard Jacks voice whisper "Sarah, c'mon we're gonna get shipped to Asia soon!" He groaned. I Lifted my arm and gave him the finger, before cuddling into the uncomfortable plane chair. Who does he think he is, waking me up? puh-lease. I'm not going anywhere. Asia should be fun.

"Sir" A lady coughs. I heard Jack sigh out a yeah before hearing heels against carpet, getting lighter and lighter as she walked away.

"Sarah.." He warns. I could hear the seriousness in his voice. Well, i'm not moving. I'm sleeping....Kinda. I'm pretending so shh! "Fine" He sighs. I heard his bag drop to the floor, then warm arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me out of my seat. Oh, my seatbelt wasn't on..I could of died!

I squealed quietly as I came face to face with Jacks ass. Damn what a site. I mean, what? No actually it was a really nice ass.

"Jack put my down" I groan. My voice was croaky from the recent sleep, and I metally face palmed. I sounded so ugly and sick.

"Oh, you're awake, miss sleepy ass" I could here the smirk in his voice and rolled my eyes. Sleepy ass? What even? Nice come back harries.

"Could you please get my bag over there?" He asked the lady politely "Sorry, I have my hands full" He chuckled. I heard her giggle flirtily and scoffed. Who does she think she is?

"I'm a big fan! I really enjoy your vlogs" She grins "Hi Sarah!" She says


"Hi" I smile. She mustn't of been older than 20 years old. She has really nice legs too. Hey, don't judge! They were right in my eye sight okay? Plus, it's not like no other girl has had a lesbian moment. Jeez. Stop the judging. I see you.

I groaned when we stepped out of the plane and started walking up the hallway thing. I don't think now is the time to put me over your shoulder Jack. We're at an airport for hecks sake!

"Just put me down" I sigh. I spot a five pound note in his pocket and grin evilly. He owes me heaps of starbucks coffees, so it's not like I'm actually stealing his money. Only taking back what was rightfully mine.

"Will you stop sleeping?" He asked me.

"Yes" I huff, stupping the note into my bra. My nose gently touched his ass and I blushed. I haven't even been this close to Finns ass. Awkward. Better keep that a secret from him too.

"Fine" He chuckles. He leans forward, and when i feel my feet touch the ground, I step away from him and take my bag off of the girl behind him. Jack takes his off of her too and she smiles "I'm so happy I met you" She smiled "Have a nice trip!" She grins, before rushing away quickly. I have a feeling she was going to go and sob in a corner or something. Girls do that these days right? According to twitter they do.

"Is Sam picking us up or..?" I ask him.

"I think so" He shrugs "Him and that Sam guy" He nods. Searching in his back pockets "Damn, I've lost five pounds" He grumbles

I grin when he mentions Sam. He's obviously talking about Pottorff. So I stole his five pounds. Who cares? It's five pounds. Plus, we're like, friends. I always steal Travis' money. I'm not going to lie though, I am feeling kind of guilty.

"Is Aflie and Marcus and Caspar and Zoe an-"

"Yeah they're all showing up today" He chuckles "Then we're all driving to Vegas then going home from there" Jack informs me "Now hurry up, everyone got off the plane like ten minutes ago" He says, pickinig up his pace a little bit.

"Oh" I mumble sheepishly "Sorry"

When we reach the end of the corridor I spot Travis and Layla at the terminal waiting for us "About time" Travis huffs, putting away his camera. Of course he was taking pictures of the airport. This is Travis we're talking about, remember.

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