Chapter 24 -Hey LA, How you doin'?

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Today was the day. 

The last day of Univerisity for the next four weeks, then we will be back. 

I shouldn't be sad, I mean, I'm going to LA! And trust me, I'm excited. But i don't know.. I think I will just miss my bed...And London, I guess.

I put my last cardigan in my suitcase and slowly zip it up, then put it on the floor. I sit on my bed a sigh deeply.  

"Ready?" Jack asks, leaning against the door to mine and Layla's dorm room. "Where's Lay?" He frowns, standing up propery and scanning the room. When he couldn't see her he frowned more

"Saying goodbye to Gemma" I mumble, almost spitting out her name. It's like I've been replaced by this chick. Layla has been my only girl friend since I got here, and now she doens't even sleep in the same room? 

It's true. The last couple of nights she's been staying at Gemma's dorm. I don't know why, I mean, Gemma's dorm buddie must hate it right? 

I don't know. Maybe all three of them stay up and talk about boys, like we used to do before I developed feelings for her stupid boyfriend and things got awkward!

Jack must of noticed my deep thinking because when i snapped out of the trance I was in just a minute ago, he was sitting next to me fiddling with my fluffy blue pillow. my fluffy big pillow. 

"I don't see much of her either anymore" He sighs "Everytime I try to talk she just shuts me out" He mumbles, not taking his eyes off of the pillow. 

"I wonder why she's ignoring us both" I try to say confidently, but it comes out a mear whisper. Damn it. 

He shrugs sadly "Has she been back to pack?" He asks, deciding to not answer me. 

"I woke up this morning and her stuff was already packed. I guess she came back last night after I fell asleep to pack" I mutter. I hate this. 

Why is she ignoring me? It's not like we had a fight. 

"I don't know" He whispers. I was confused for minute but then i realised he was answering my previous question. He could have made it a little less confusing? Nope because it's Jack Harries

"C'mon we have a plane to catch!" I put a fake smile on and take his hand in a friend like manner, pulling him to his feet "Travis will be waiting" Let's not keep Travis waiting. He can be a sassy freak when he's excited. 


"You sure you have everything?" I ask the three people infront of me 

"Yes" Travis chuckles "We do. Now stop worrying" 

"I'm not even worrying" I mutter under my breath. Jack must of heard cause he laughed slightly. I watched as Layla texted on her phone, barely acknowledging our presence. What is up with her?


I grin excitedly at my thre- two friends who were looking just excited and grab my bags. The four of us walk to the boarding doc and hand our tickets over to the young lady standing at the front. She scans our tickets and motions us into the long hall thingy that wil take us to the plane. 

"Excited?" Travis asks 

"Hell yes" I grin "We're actually going to LA!" I gasp, the realisation hitting me. I was going to America for the first time since that time I went in grade 8 with Travis and his family. It was pretty fun. I met this hot guy there, but we were young so he was probably really ugly in reality. 

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