Chapter 35 - Last few days with him

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"Excuse me" I mumbled, standing up from the kitchen table and walking towards the front door. I needed to get out of here. I needed space to think. Jack was leaving? He can't leave, we only just got together! I'm not angry, I'm just upset. Very upset. 

"Sarah" He sighed. I ignored him and continued to the front door. I heard him follow behind me, but I didn't stop. I couldn't look at him. "Sarah please" He pleaded. I shook my head and pulled open the door. "I'm sorry" He said, pulling on my arm to stop me. I looked at him and started crying. I started crying really hard. 

"Don't go" I blubbered. He pulled me in for a hug and I clutched onto him like it was a matter between life and death. I needed him. After so long of resisting him, I don't think I could cope being without him

"Plase don't cry baby, please don't" He whispered, wiping the tears away from my face. I shook my head and sniffled. Don't cry? He just told me that he's moving to America, and he doesn't want me to cry? of course i'm going to cry!

"I have to go" I told him, pulling out of his grip. I ran to my car before he could stop me, and drove away from his house. Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this? We're finally together and now he's leaving. He's moving to America and leaving me here. 

 As I pulled through the familiar drive way, I wiped my tears and pulled the car to a stop.

 I'm home. 

"Mum?" I called, knocking on the wooden door. I heard shuffling feet before the door opened and my mums face appeared. She grinned at me as she pulled me in for a masive bear like hug

"Sarah!" She said happily. I smiled into her shoulder as I hugged the most important person in my life. "What are you doing here? Don't you have class?" She asked me. I shook my head as we walked into the living room "What are you doing here?" She asked again

I sighed and collapsed onto the couch "Is it such a bad thing that I want to see my mum?" I asked innocently. 

"Who are you hiding from? Travis?" She asked. I groaned and shoved my face into a pillow. She knew me way too well. 

"Not Travis, Jack" I muttered. She nodded understandingly and sat down on the couch across from me. 

"What has he done?" She asked. Mum knew about me and Jack as friends, but not as a relationship. I haven't really had the chance to tell her. We've only been dating a week, tops. What was the point in telling her about us anyway?

I gulped. We've only been dating a week and he's leaving. I'm nothing special, am I? He'll forget about me when he's over there and he'll meet some hot girl with perfect curves and a perfect personality and I'll have no say about it. How am I supposed to get through University without him? 

"Nothing, he's just being annoying" I shrugged, not wanting to talk about it. I'll tell her eventually that we were dating..Or maybe I'll just forget about it when he leaves next week. 

"You sure?" She asked. I knew, she knew something was up, but I don't think I'm emotionally stable to talk about it yet. I'll probably get back to Uni and I'll see him and I'll break out in either rage or tears, I'm not quite sure yet. 

"Positive" I nodded. "So, Hows life been treating you?" 


I stayed at mums most of the day. My younger sister came home from work about an hour after I got there, and she was really excited to see me. I stayed there for dinner and we ended up having a movie marathon, just us three. 

I had an older brother aswell but like me, he was at University. Although he went to University in Australia. He moved over there a little while after visting for a holiday three years ago. He met a girl over there and now they have a daughter, Chloe. We never really spoke because of time difference. It didn't matter that much to me though, because we were never that close.

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