Chapter 23 -We're going where?! To meet who?! Yay!

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"We need to talk" Jack whispers in my ear, holding my arm in a gentle grip.

"Later" I mumble, tugging my arm away from him. I heard him sigh deeply, but i didn't care. If i wanted to keep my feelings hidden from everyone, i needed to stay away from the main reason.


Plus, I needed to get back to my dorm before I miss Sams skype call. He texted me five minutes ago saying he would call in ten.

i quickly jog up to my dorm room, drop my school books on my desk and pull my macbook over to my bed.

"Sarah, I'm going to go get stuff with Gemma, i will be back later" Layla mumbles offhandedly. I shrug and mumble her a goodbye. Gemma is Layla's new...Friend. She's in quite alot of her classes, so i don't see why they wouldn't be. I'm glad she has another friend to be with, while everything is so awkward lately..Even if she can't see it herself.

The skype ringtone comes through my laptop, bringing me out of my thoughts. I grin when I see Sam's black hair come into sight. Damn i missed this boy.

"Sarebearrr!" He grins. i roll my eyes and playfully glare at him. Of course he would call me the nickname I dispise.

"Sammy!" He glares back at me, while I grin. "How are you?"

"Great! It's quite amazing over here" He smiles "Hows things over there?"

I gulp "Um..good" I nervously chuckle. I'm the worst liar in the world. Why would i even bother lying with Sam? He's obviously going to know i'm lying. He's like Travis when it comes to that..He can always tell when I'm kidding.

"Okay, so now that you've tried lying. How are things really?" He chuckles. I grumble a few words under my breath before sighing. I should probably tell someone...I can't let it eat at me like this.. 

"Nothing, it's okay"

"Sarah, tell me?" He asks. I don't answer him, and we have this stare down through the call. "I will let you meet Sam?" He grins "And Rebecca?"

Sam pottorff?

"Okay i will spill..But only because i want to meet this sex god of a creature and I trust you and i need to tell someone" I ramble. I've grown some sort of fettish for this guy lately, he's hot. And oh my god he seems so cute to be friends with. 

"Breathe" He laughs

"Well...I like Jack" i mumble, before putting my hands over my face and rubbing it. 

He chuckles "i know that much"

Wait what. 

He what? He knows? How obvious could i be? Stupid, stupid Sarah! Jesus Christ! I warned you, you were being too obvious!

"You do?" I ask "I'm so obvious!" I groan, Facepalming myself. Sam Isn't even in the same country and he noticed! 

"Is that whats getting to you?" He asks me quietly "Because, It's not that big of a deal" He chuckles, fixing the angle of his camera.

"Yes! It is! Because we kissed and then we had this heated...stuff! and now I'm craving him! I'm dating his twin, Sam. What am I going to do?" I groan. I was desperate for some advice. I'm such a whore! Maybe I should listen to all them hate messages on twitter.

"Wait you kissed?" He asks

I nod in guilt "I don't want to break Finn or Layla's hearts" I mumble. I'm not going to lie; I was close to tears. I feel so bad. Finn is going to hate me for the rest of the universe! 

"I have an idea..."


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