chapter 6 -Should I, or should I not? Twin troubles!

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"So Sarah.." Jack whispers to me, tapping his pen on the desk next to me

"yes?" i ask. my head was pounding from last night. i don't know how much i drank but i know i missed my first two periods this morning..

"you should come over to my house later and be in my video" he grins

"and whats this video going to be about?"

"i recorded a couple of things from last night and lets just say we havent cleaned the house yet..."

"so you're going to show your fans how much of a party you had last night?" i raise my eye brow and smirk

"well yeah" he chuckles "i haven't posted in a few weeks because of Uni" he explains

"sure" i shrug "is Finn gonna be there?"

"yes.." he frowns "why?"

"oh, no reason" i smile "just wondering"

we fall back into a silence and listen to the teacher again. Once the bell goes and we collect our stuff and start walking out of the classroom together

"i will see you at my house at five okay?" He asks, as we come to part our ways

"see you there" i smile.



I knock on the door and Finn opens up

"Hey" he smiles "what are you doing here? Come to see me?" He smirks

"Ha ha" I laugh sarcastically "actually I'm here to do a video with Jack. Is he here?"

"Actually he just went to get his spare camera of of Sam. He should be back in about half an hour" he says, moving aside and motioning for me to come In "you're happy to wait around though"

"Thanks" I smile, walking into his house for the second time.

"Do you want a tea?" He asks, walking into the kitchen

"Uh yeah okay" I smile, following him. He flicks the button on the kettle and sits up on the counter.

"Ginger biscuit?" He offers, taking a bite out of one.

"Im good" I scrunch my nose up in discust

He chuckles "So, Sarah.." He says

"So, Finn.." I reply. Blushing a little bit when he looks into my eyes.

"You're really beautiful"

"Thanks?" I blush. "Not many people say I am...and to be honest I don't feel that I am"

"You are" he grins "will you go out with me?"

My jaw drops. "A-as in like"

"Well, yeah. We could go to the movies or something" he suggests "it would be fun"

"Sure" I smile "that sounds really great"

"So I will be at your dorm by 7 tomorrow okay?" He smirks

"I-um.. Sure" I laugh "what movie?"

"You like romance right?"

"I guess" I shrug "what do you have in mind?"

"Well I was kinda thinking Breaking dawn part 2"

"You mean the last movie for the sparkling vamps? No thanks" I chuckle

"Okay, you are officially the first girl I have met that doesn't like twilight"

"I don't know..I used to like it.. How about we go see Paranormal Activity 4?" I smirk

"You sure you're up for that?" He smirks back

"Puh-lease" I laugh

"Okay. I will check up times later and text you them okay?"

"Great" I Smile. We fall into a comfortable silence as he starts to make our tea.

"FINNY IM HOMEEEE" Jack calls out.

"Great. Sarah's here!" Finn calls back

"She is?" Jack asks, sounding generally surprised. "Oh, you are too" he laughs, coming into the kitchen

"Hey" I chuckle "are we doing this video or what?"

"Yeah, let's go to my room though. My Gappers always watch me from my room"

"Gappers?" I smirk

"That's my fandoms name" he says in a duh tone. i couldnt help but laugh "Don't laugh" he frowns

"okay, so i will press play and do my thing and when i say "and this is Sarah, you come into view okay?" he instructs

"yessir!"i salute. he laughs and smiles at me.

when we finally enter his room, he sits on his computer chair, and i sit on his bed, looking at the letters and things on his bedside table "who are these from?" i ask

"fans" he grins "they're so funny"

"hey Jack?" i ask. i should tell him right?


"your brother asked me on a date"

"he did?" he asks, fiddling around on his camera "why?"

"i don't know! do you think he likes me?"

"do you like him?" he asks back, turning around on his chair and looking at me, a slight forwn on his face

"well, yeah..kinda...i guess"

"then go on on the date with him. He obviously likes you, to ask you out" he smiles slightly. "c'mon, we have a video to do"

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