Chapter 19 -Stupid Everything!

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"as you know, today is the day that you start learning your script in the play" Professor starts. Oh great. If Mr. I-want-to-write-the-script made it a love story I will not hesitate to kill a bitch. "Find your groups and start learning!" The professor says a little too cheerfully. Calm down mate it's not that exciting. I'm in a pretty pissy mood right now, so this kid doesn't want to mess with me.

I huff and walk over to dirk and lonely boy.

By the way dirk is Jacks new nickname. It's the shipping between the words dick and jerk.

"Don't kill me" Is all lonely boy says, as he passes us the two copies of the script.

Romeo and Juliet

You have got to be kidding me. Does this kid want a death wish?

"No" I state almost immediately. "I'm not doing this. Couldn't you have chosen something...not so lovey?"

"I had a mental blank!" He defends "plus, I can see you guys doing already"

Not likely lonely boy.

"It might not be that bad if we don't have to kiss" Dirk interjects. I look at him like he's got 34674216773 heads.

Did he really just say that? Is he okay? Does he have a fever? Maybe i should take him to the mental hospital!

"About that..." The kid says. Okay, so I have no idea what his name is..he might of told me but I forget. Don't judge me! He only sits next to me..

"Oh hell no" I growl

"It would be boring if you didn't kiss!" He defends "it's only like ten seconds.."

Ha. Ten seconds. Nah, that's not long at all!

Jack sighs "fine" he grumbles. They think I will agree to this? That's funny! Not. I have a boyfriend for crying out loud! and it's Jack's twin! I'm not doing this.

"No! I have a boyfriend!" i growl, slightly too loud. The teacher gives us a warning glare -Which i return back. Don't mess with me buddy!

"I have a girlfriend! Hugh jackman has a wife, yet he still kisses other women on screen! It's called acting" Jack says.

Shit man I can't argue with that.


After class and sorting through the scripts, I was finally free from that stupid class.

Stupid teacher

Stupid Jack

Stupid class

Stupid university

Stupid country

Stupid world!

Can I move to mars please? I could move with Finn and we will have the planet to ourselves with no sign of human life other than ourselves. There wouldn't be any drama or anything!

At least it was the last class of the day.

"Sarah!" A familiar voice shouts. I turn around and Travis is running up to me, books in his arms and puffing

"Hey" I smile at my bestfriend. I haven't seen him in a couple of days..where has he been off to?

"Hey" I grins back "where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages" He replies, obviously reading my mind -Not literally

"Busy with school work" I mumble. "Hey have you heard from Sam recently?"

"He texted me today, why?" He asks, placing his books on his other arm, and shaking the other.

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