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I'm so sorry if this sucks, I've got the flu and I can't think straight. Hopefully you like it, and yeah. Bye ily guys.


"You know, I think I'm cut out to be a dad" Finn nodded as he held the sleeping baby in his arms. "Like, look at her! She's been with me for like ten minutes and she's already asleep" he smirked.

I laughed and gently fell onto he same couch he was sitting on "I think you need to take that up with Luna"

"She doesn't want kids" he sighed, taking the warm bottle out of my hands and gently putting it by the babies mouth. I smiled at the little girl in aw, as I watched her sleep and drink the milk at the same time "But I love her more, so if she doesn't want kids, I'll go with it" He told me.

Before you get excited, no the baby in his arms is not mine. Yes, it's Travis and Layla's baby girl, April.

"Babe" Jack sighed, putting his arms over my shoulders and letting them rest there "Can we do this tomorrow?" he asked me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 

"You just want an excuse to go back to bed" I smirked. He grinned and kissed my lips before going over to Finn and taking the baby out of his arms. April started crying for a little while, but settled down soon after.

We were all waiting for Travis and Layla to get home so that we could take a family picture together. It would be our first photo since April was born, and since we lost a very important member in our little group we call family.

You would think after Jack and I got together, that our life would be perfect, right? Well no.

About six months after the wedding, Ryan was diagnosed with lung cancer. Things were too late for him, and the doctors said it was useless getting him on kemo. They told him to go home and live life like he usually would until his time came.

He died on the 12th of March 2017

That was about ten months ago now, and it was a shame that he didn't get to meet April. I couldn't stomach the thought of Ryan dying when he broke the news to me, honestly. I started sleeping with him at night, to make sure he knew he was loved by me, even if we're like family. I kind of needed him too. I didn't want him to go, and I have to admit it caused problems between Jack and I.

"When are you two going to have a kid" Finn said suddenly. I stared at him blankly, Waiting to see if he was actually serious or not. I wasn't feeling the best, just thinking about Ryan. It was too soon to just be able to talk about him like he was yesterdays news. 


I watched as Ryans family and our friends walked hesitantly out of the room, just after he asked them if we could have a moment alone. 

"Please don't cry" Ryan coughed as he stared up at me. I started sobbing harder as I watched my best friend fall to pieces infront of me. I knew these were his last waking moments before he'd fall into such a sickly state that he wouldn't be able to process anything. Either that, or he'd die. Right here, right now. 

"I love you so much, you know that right?" I asked him, grabbing hold of his hand. His pale face smiled slightly, and let out a small groan. 

"I need to tell you s-something-g, just bare with me oka-ay" He whispered. A few of my tears dropped onto his hospital blankets as he struggled to take a breath "I lov-e you. Not in some brotherly way, either. I-I mean I actually t-trully love you. All those momen-ts you told me you h-ad with Jack w-was what I've always wanted with you. I'm so sorry, I feel the way I do" He croaked "I promised..Jack" I knew he wanted to say more, but I had to cut him off. He looked like he was in a lot of pain just talking, and I didn't want him to go through anymore pain.

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