Chapter 36 - Meeting Ryan

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Important authors note at the bottom, please read it! x

"Today is the day" Travis sighed, taking another sip of his coffee. I nodded sadly and shoved another piece of fruit in my mouth. Travis and I were eating breakfast, just the two of us. It was only 8am so I wasn't surprised that Jack wasn't awake yet. 

His classes stopped two days ago.

He's leaving today. Well technically he's leaving tonight, but does it matter? This time tomorrow Jack would have left and I'll probably be crawled up in bed crying. I felt like shit, and I'm pretty sure I looked it as well. These last couple of nights haven't been the greatest for me.

"Can we not talk about it please?" I asked him. I didn't mean to sound like an annoyed bitch, but the truth was, I wanted this day to end. I wanted to go back to 2 weeks ago when we were in Vegas. Things were fun then. We might have had that huge blow out, but at least we were all still together. 

"Sorry" he mumbled

I sighed "look, I'm sorry. I-I just.." I stared at him with glassy eyes, and he nodded I'm understanding

"We're all gonna miss him Sare" he told me "but we're just going to have to move on you know? If you're meant to be, he'll somehow find his way back to you" he told me. I sighed and nodded in agreement. Maybe one day we;ll be together again.

Layla slid into the booth next to Travis with an excited grin on her face. I wasn't sure how she could have a smile like that when one of our closest friends were leaving tonight. "have you heard?" She asked. She sounded more than excited, which made me curious.

"That the bird is the word?" Travis smirked. I gave him a dry look. "Come on!" He laughed "Family guy is funny, don't lie"

"Trav that was something we sang in sixth grade" I said dryly. "Heard what?" I asked Layla.

"Rumour has it that there's a new guy transferring here from France or something" she grinned. "He starts today" she said.

"That's nice" I muttered, shoving a small piece of watermelon into my mouth. I didn't really care that someone from France was moving here. Jack was moving to America. I bet this French guy has a really nice girl back in France not wanting him to leave, but he did anyway.

"I wonder if he's hot" she wondered out loud "He's probably really hot" she convinced herself. Travis chuckled and shook his head.

"Seriously? Thats all you can think about? One of our closest friends that we made this year is leaving tonight" Travis reminded her. She sighed heavily and collapsed onto the table. A frown etched onto my face as I thought about it more. My relationship is ending tonight.

"You don't think I know that?" She asked, looking at us as she rested her head on her arms "I just don't want to think about it" she told us 

"Neither" Travis and I both said together. 

I chucked the remainder of my fruit in the bin behind us and sighed tiredly.

I was so not ready for tonight to come. 

Jacks POV ~

I was sitting on my bed in nothing but my undies, with my head in my hair as I stared at the floor in thought. I didn't want to leave, but at the same time I wanted this more than anything. This was my dream. This is what I've been aiming for since I was young. No one was going to get in the way of that. 

Not even Sarah. 

Thats probably the worst thing to say about the love of your life, really. If I could take her with me, I would jump at the chance. I love her more than anything on this planet, but I wasn't doing long distance. Look how that turned out last time. She cheated on Finn with me

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