Chapter 9- Layla, meet the YouTubers

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"SARAH WAKE UP!!" Layla squeals, jumping on me. Cant a girl get some peace over here? gosh! i feel so sick.

"What?" i sniffle. Last night was great but now i feel like bullcrap. I thought kissing in the rain would turn out more romantic? Heck, it's horrible.

"Why are you sick?" she asks, confused. For the first time i looked at her. She didnt look...herself... Remind me to ask her about it later.

"I will tell you later" i mumble "It's Saturday. Let me sleep more" i roll over and pull the covers up to my neck. Not today. Pleaaaaseeeee not today, Layla.

"But I wanna know how your date went!" She huffs like a stubborn little rich kid. The last

part was right, she was pretty rich, but she's not exactly stubborn...only sometimes

"No. Later" i mumble, already falling back to sleep.

"Fine" she huffs. I feel her weight on the bed disappear and the bathroom door close. Yes, she didnt make that much of a fuss.

Layla's POV

She won't get up..She looks sick but i dont know why. Looks like my roomie is gonna be boring today.

i sigh and brush my hair, before walking over to the boys' dorm room. Me and Travis have gotten pretty close lately, so i guess im gonna hang around them today.

"I'M COMING IN!" i shout, opening the door. You never know, one of them could be naked or having sex. Just to make sure, i knock.

"Hey" Travis chuckles, putting a cat on the floor. Um okay, what is a cat doing in here?

"Who are you?" someone asks from Jacks bed. i look over an-

Oh wow, there are 5 other boys in the room, including Jack and Finn. 3 sitting on the bed, and two on the floor. Who are these guys? Are they drug sellers? Hey don't judge me. The guy with dreads looks like he could be...

"Who are you?" i ask back

"I asked you first" He shoots back

"Tinkerbell" I stay sarcastically, sitting next to Travis on his bed. He moves over a little so i could sit down.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Im Sam, thats Maz and Louis and you already now the twins im guessing" The same guy says -Sam. "Now, tinkerbell who are you really?"

"Oh, Hi" i mumble, suddenly getting really shy. "I'm Layla" Don't go all shy again Layla! This is your break remember. You're going to become confident, just like Sarah said.

"Hey" A black guy with...A white, chin? Says "Im Maz" he winks "But you can call me tonight"

I laugh - including everyone else in the room- at that. That was so chiche.

"No, mate. That was dry" Sam says in a monotone voice, craning his neck to look at the guy, because he was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed, while Maz was sitting on the bed, next to Jack.

Oh hey Jack

"Yeah, sorry about him. Anyway.." Travis says, trying tochange the subject.

"Hey wheres Sarah?" Finn asks. Jack scowls quietly -well not so quietly because everyone heard him. Whats up with him lately? the last few days he's been really shitty. I would usually blame PMS but, Jacks a guy. Obvs.

"uh.." i give Jack an are you okay look before saying "She's sick. She's gonna be really boring today, so i decided to come chill with you"

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