Go to sleep (Shigaraki X Reader)

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"What are you doing on the floor at 3am?" Shigaraki asked her as she sat on the floor?

Y/n had been sitting on the floor buried in work since 6pm from the afternoon before. She had been pulling an all-nighter and was quite a mess.

"Working on stuff for school...just go back to sleep." She was in one of her moods again, which meant she definitely wasn't ready to deal with him.

"I can't with all your clickity-clacking on that damn keyboard." He grunted. He himself was tired, so he was just as grumpy as she was.

"Sorry, but I can't do much about it." She said.

She felt bad, but knew she'd be typing for quite a bit longer. Y/n gave him an apologetic smile.

"Eh, whatever I'm going back to sleep." He left the room, and Y/n continued to type.

"Go to sleep." Just minutes later Tomura stomped into the room to drag her to sleep.

"But I have work." She argued.

"I do not care...I'm not getting sleep so you'll just have to study later." His tone was laced with annoyance, and it was low, tired, and gravely.

The girl continued to work, and ignored his orders. He stood there watching her, his glare so intense that there were practically lasers beaming from his eyes.

Though she felt this she ignored him. To her the grades she got were more important than how happy he was with her.

The tension that filled the air was like a fan fanning the flame. The more she typed, and ignored him the more he his exasperation grew.

"Come to sleep now." Shigaraki spoke with his teeth clenched as he leaned against the doorframe.

Tomura continued to stand with arms crossed waiting for her to come to her senses, but as usual she was stubborn, and didn't listen.

"That's it. Get. Up." He ordered walking over to Y/n who was still working despite her boyfriends angry mood.

"Or I'll disintegrate that book." He threatened.

"Do it. You won't." She turned to look him directly in the eyes as she challenged him.


She was right when she said he wouldn't, but it didn't mean he wouldn't have his way. He reached down for what she expected to be the book, but then he took her by the wrist, then tossed her over his shoulder.

"Wait...What? PUT ME DOWN! I HAVE WORK TO DO-" She shouted and kicked.

It wasn't that she was so invested in schoolwork that made her stubborn, it was because she was stubborn. She wanted more than anything to be done that work, in fact she was almost ready to give up.

When Shigaraki told her to go to sleep, that's when she refused to go to sleep. It was just Y/n's nature to be stubborn.

Finally he had enough, and made her go to sleep. He tossed her on the bed, and got under the covers.

"We're going to sleep. You can finish that tomorrow." He spoke with his voice that still sounded tired.

"You mean later?" She asked to bother him.

"Whatever, you can use your smart ass mouth to finish your work later, so rest up, and let your smart ass self rest. Kay? He was now drifting asleep as he said that.

"Fine." Y/n turned around closed her eyes. Moments later they were both sound asleep. Both in bed dreaming to their hearts content not worrying about schoolwork or anything responsibility related. They wouldn't have to worry until they woke up the next day.

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